I can answer those, Pipp. She is a mini-rex who is almost a year old (a few months to go).
If she's not eating, I recommend the gas meds. I just had that with Toby. Cleared everything right up! (may not be the case, but you could post it in the infirmary).
I would give gas meds (simethicone )and fluids and try to massage her tummy a little if she will let you. If you have fresh pineapple juice that would also be fine ..also pedialyte . if you want to dilute the pineapple juice you can use plain water or pedialyte . if you have benebac in the house give her some of that also
Hopefully this is a gas attack and/ or beginning stasis and these actions will help her.I would continue to give her fluids every few hours and not worry about the food at this point.
How is she? any poops or normal behavior?
Thank you all for your support. If she didn't scare me half to death yesterday, I wouldn't know that she was acting strange yesterday. She is eating and running around the house as usual. She is pooping like normal. I wish I would have known that mineral oil is outdated as now she looks messy with the oil making her fur nasty. She looks like she hasn't given herself a bath in years. However, now with her fur oilly around her face and neck she is grooming herself often. SHe seems very normal now. I just wish she would drink more water. SHe has been drinking but not a whole lot. I have been giving her water by an eye dropper. SO maybe I just don't realize how much water she is getting. SO that is that.
Thanks again for your help. I will run to the store and get some baby gas meds incase this happens again. Or if anyone suggests it I can continue to give it to her just incase something is still bothering her. But she is 100% better than last night.
That is so good to hear that you are able to breathe again!!! I know it is difficult to tell if bunners don't feel good sometimes because they hide their pain so well. Now you know what to watch for and what to grab from your bunny emergency kit to treatat the first signs of any symptoms.
Congratulations on surviving your first bout of gassy-bunny!!! :biggrin2:
Dolla had a couple gas episodes and the first time I was freaking out! Thank goodness there was people still on between 9PM and 3AM my time! I don't know what I would have done!
Bumping, :bumpjust in case Ashley (willowbun) and Felice can check in again. ??
Ashley, we never forget our foster buns' shenanigans. Felice's foster-slave K was posting some of "Berry-Boo's" bunny licks in her Blog for bun buns thread.