Well-Known Member
Naturestee- Her eye is bulging a little bit lesssince the abcess was removed. No the vet didn't take x-rays he'srubbish, I'm never going back!:growl:
He told us to give Berri no food the night before th op, since thishappenedI've read that rabbits aren't supposed to be starvedbefore an op, thatthere's no need for it, is this true?
Jim- yeah, before she had her surgery she was drooling, seems to havestopped now though. She never had runny eyes or nose. Thanks for youradvice, I'll keep and eye on her and pray that she's going to beok.
He told us to give Berri no food the night before th op, since thishappenedI've read that rabbits aren't supposed to be starvedbefore an op, thatthere's no need for it, is this true?
Jim- yeah, before she had her surgery she was drooling, seems to havestopped now though. She never had runny eyes or nose. Thanks for youradvice, I'll keep and eye on her and pray that she's going to beok.