Berri isn't well

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Naturestee- Her eye is bulging a little bit lesssince the abcess was removed. No the vet didn't take x-rays he'srubbish, I'm never going back!:growl:

He told us to give Berri no food the night before th op, since thishappenedI've read that rabbits aren't supposed to be starvedbefore an op, thatthere's no need for it, is this true?

Jim- yeah, before she had her surgery she was drooling, seems to havestopped now though. She never had runny eyes or nose. Thanks for youradvice, I'll keep and eye on her and pray that she's going to beok.:pray:
Michaela wrote:
He told us to give Berri no food the night before th op, since thishappenedI've read that rabbits aren't supposed to be starvedbefore an op, thatthere's no need for it, is this true?
Yes, its true. Rabbits cannot vomit, so theres no need to withholdfood. Actually, it can cause more trouble if you DO withhold foodbecause of possible GI problems.
This is why i'm greatful for you guys. I'm notreally a vet/doctor person and try to avoid doctors as much as possiblefor myself. In this town it seems most vets are arrogant andinexperienced with rabbits.

I wish there was a vet that would dust off their old school books tolook up a question they don't know 100% rather than make a guess inhopes you know nothing or can claim you know nothing, either or...

Sorry some people just make me really mad:mad:

prayers for Berri <3
Some do. When I took Fey to anemergency vet for an injury in the middle of the night, the vet told mehe wasn't experienced with rabbits but was double-checking everythingin books and trying to call a co-worker who had an interest in rabbitmedicine. And he put off her surgery for stitches till thenext morning when he knew a more rabbit-savvy person will bein. He was very honest about his lack of rabbit experience.

Some vets who don't know much about rabbits are willing to consult overthe phone with more experienced vets. It's always worthasking.
OK, I haven't mentioned Berri's abscesses (yesplural!)in a while.She recovered well from the op,it didn't help at all with the bulging eye though.then a fewdays later I noticed a little lump under her bulging eye (I had spottedit before but it was very small).

A few days ago, this lump swelled way up, it looked really sore:(

This evening we took her to the vet (it was the good one, yay!). He gota scalpel and cut a little slit in it and OMG, the pus that came out ofthat thing was unbelievable, it just kept coming and coming, no wonderher eye was bulging out! It was kind of disgusting,:disgust mumwouldn't look lol!

Anyway, she got an antibiotic injection and has to go back in ontomorrow and Wednesday evening for more injection, then hopefully itwill be the end of this whole thing:)

Berri says thank you Snuffles:)

She seems to be fine right now, she just jumped onto my mum's face and stole the apple she was eating lol!

She went for another antibiotic injection thisevening, but she was so scared, I had to hold her so tight because shejust wouldn't sit still.:(

Maybe she knew what was coming and didn't like it...or maybe it wassomething to do with the Siberian huskey sitting beside her that wantedto eat her!:shock:

Don't they keep dogs separate from cats andbunnies? Goodness, that would just scare her more, next timeshe goes in you could also do a bunny burrito to make her feel moresecure and cover her eyes w/ the towel, that sometimes helps.
Thanks Sami:)

Snuffles, the waiting room is separated from the vet building so theydon't know, I think it was really unfair of the people who owned thedog, they were just laughing at the dog looking at Berri andatBerri being so scared:mad:and we were there firstbut they just went on in ahead of us when they called the nextperson!:shock:

Berri just stuck her head under my arm the way she always does when sheis scared.:)Thanks, I will try that with the towel next time;)

Berri went in for her final antibiotic injectionlast night...and it was the really bad vet:(He was supposedto flush out the abcess again but it had closed over so he said, well,we'll just hope nothing is left in there!

Then he told me about how he had to put a rabbit down earlier that dayfrom an abcess on the face! He said it was really bad and the onlything they would be able to do for it was take off half of it's jaw.the woman wanted to do that, but he said no, and convinced her to putit down even though she wanted to give it another chance!:shock:

He said Berri's abcess will probably come back:(The other vetwho was in the previous two nights wouldn't have said that.

He also told me about how he used to have a rabbit and he hated it andhe was glad when it died! What kind of person is he!(Although he did say Berri had a beautiful coat, i definitely think hedoesn't see a lot of rexes!:D) should file a complaint or something. Is there an owner or manager that you could complain to?

What kind of person says those things to an owner? I mean, its onething to warn the owner of possible problems and such, but the thingshe said to you were very unnecessary.

I hope Berri recovers well. If you dont think he did a good job I wouldcall and ask to speak with another vet there. Maybe you could convincethem to let you bring her back in for another check up free of chargeor something.

Get well soon Berri!
He is one of the owners. There are three vetsworking in there, the other two seem good to me, they are friendly andknow what they're talking about, it's just him, he's awful! :disgust:

When we arrived I saw it was him through the window and I just wanted to turn back...:cry1:

Hopefully the other vet did a good enough job, her eye is still bulgingout a bit, but not nearly as bad as before, it was just terriblebefore:cry4:.

I want to go to a different vet altogether, there is one in a town nearme that is newer and i think more up to date so it's probably betterwith rabbits. The one we go to now is in the country and is more farmanimals, although they do get a good few rabbits.
Awww poor little baby girl,i hope shes doing ok.

That vet actually sounds pretty awful,it seems like he doesn't reallycare what he says though,or maybe he just doesn't realize how harsh hesounds

but really a vet should have more compassion than that

I'm hoping your bunny continues to improve...

As for the vet, he has no bedside manner whatsoever!

I would contact the practice again and complain for certain. If it wereme, I wouldn't go to this man again. He seems very insensitive.

I've also been through the scared bunny/dog thing and feel for you andyour bun. Maybe you can tell them about that as well. They reallyshould know, and might be able to do something by way of educationalmaterial for dog owners....
We just aren't going to go back when he's there, we'd rather pay more if we have too.:(

I don't think he means to be cruel or anything, he just has no sensitivity when it come's to other people's feelings.:?


I'm not sure about where you are hon, but I knowthe vet I used to work for took requests. You could requestthe vet you like. It's worth a try atleast. We used to have people do that all of thetime. Mainly because certain animals did better with certainvets. We had a dog who would growl horribly at onevet and smother the other one in kisses. The one hegrowled at never did anything wrong tohim. It was as horrible as this may sounda matter of skin color. Our dog had never seenanyone that was not caucasian. And when he saw anyone of adarker skin color he went nuts. We tried and tried but he wasan old dog. So we always had to request to bring him in whenthat vet wasn't there.

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