The vet called and now we are putting Toby on Phenobarbitol (sp?) and off the Panacur. Apparently they both can cause liver damage so only one will be necessary. He has been having "cluster" seizures, I can't think of any other way of putting it. He acts normal and then he either has a seizure or a major whole body spasm...they literally last a split second, his whole body tenses up, his face contorts and he falls to the side if he is upright, and then its over as fast as it starts, and he acts like nothing happened and continues doing what he was before the episode. And this happens continuously throughout the day, some are as frequent as a few seconds apart. I have been reading up on seizures and from what I have read, this is really bad...seizures heat up the core temp and he can essentially fry his brain from overheating...if this is not accurate (which I hope its not) please someone correct me. The vet also said it was not good, but did not elaborate...