Well-Known Member
I hope I haven't spoken to soon but I actually think Dippy has learned what a litter tray is for
Fluffball still hasn't clicked but I will keep you updated.
I think you should send the bunnies to me. I really think so.
Oh no! Its so frustrating when the weather changes so suddenly!Well here is todays mad story!
We got the buns into their runs and everything was good and dandy while we cleaned the litter trays and cages then it started to rain - so there were too beddingless cages and too bunnies and two very wet people!
So we took both the buns into the playhouse and tried to keep them aprt then we realised we cud bring the run into the playhouse so i did and put dippy in it.
Please note both buns were litter trayless on CARPET
Eventually it stopped raining a bit so I ran out and put straw and bedding etc in dippys cage and put him in it. But fluffballs cage was still dryhing to i had to get a blanket and dry it LOL
But eventually they were both in and guess what by the end of it it was sunny again :grumpy: