They rub theirchins on things to mark their territory/things. I believe they have ascent gland under their chin but I'm not sure. Sebastian does it nearlyevery time he returns to his cage, but especially if I've rearrangedanything or heaven forbid cleaned! :shock:He rubs his bowl,his litter box, his toys, his cage....whatever he can get his chin on.It's just a way to say "THIS IS MINE!"
Oh I was wondering why Chernish rubs his cage door and his toys, especially the ones he really like.
I always thought he scratches or something.
Yes, raspberryswirl is correct, rabbits do have ascent gland under their chin. In my experience my bucks aremore territorial over their cages then my does. I've had one buck whohas gone 'raw' a few times from getting his scent over everything. Thecounty fair is one time he goes WILD with scenting. I don't blame himtho!