Beautiful Hay!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
I have ordered from Bunny Bale in the past andhave been thrilled with the quality. I haven't gotten any in a goodwhile. Well my shipment came today and it is so wonderful! Very green,fragrant, and soft!




Gorgeous!! We get nice, fresh hay,too...we lucked out on having a tack & feed place that's aboutfive minutes from us.

That's awesome that you can get hay that fresh with ordering!! :D

I bet your babies are THRILLED!! :D
Yeah, I have to order it or pay a ton for thelittle individual bags of Kaytee. We have a "farm store" near. I sentmy dad to get me a bale of hay. It looked like straw. So nasty. Thepigs and the rabbits wouldnt touch it. So I gave in andordered. I paid $14 for 25 pounds of hay and $14 to ship it.
Yeah, sometimes the hay from feed places can bepretty dang nasty. I wonder...since the hay is so fresh atmine...I wonder if there are lots of rabbit owners near? Ofcourse, this is forgetting the fact that they giggled when I told themit was for two bunnies...hehe! They did say, though, thatthey must be spoiled little buns...and they're RIGHT! :D

Wonderful that you were able to find such fresh, beautiful hay!! :D
I've been ordering from Kleenmama's Hayloft( ), mainly 2nd and 3d cut timothy, with alittle bluegrass mixed in. Nibbles loves it - she'll even put upwith horrible petstore hay for a day or two, but literally runs to getKleenmama's hay (as in, standing up on the edge of her litterbox anddiving in headfirst!)

I've also heard great things about Farmer Dave's hay:
I have ordered from Kleenmama once. But I justcant afford the shipping. With four guinea pigs and two rabbits eatingit, I need a lot. Maybe one day I can afford to buy her pellets. Theyhave to be amazing. She really does have WONDERFUL hay. And I know shegoes through great trouble to make sure it IS the best. Never heard ofFarmer Dave. Will have to look at that site.

edit: his hay is a good price, but the shipping is much more for me. Iguess I get such a good deal with Bunny Bale because we are both in VA.
Most hay turns color from being in the light, and drying.

We help with my SIL's 10 acres of hay :) It's alfalfa and the stuffthat's closest to the barn doors where the sun comes in will turn verylight brown and greenish where the stuff that stays buried for along time in the back of the loft is a nice fresh green even 9 moslater.

The thing you need to watch for is white dust or spots of white powdery stuff. That's mold.

Smell your hay and it should smell like cut grass or other plants without a bad smell to it.
binkies, I think you're right re. shippingcosts, because even though I'm only a few states away from you, theBunnyBale costs are very high.

I know I'm paying a lot for shipping from Kleenmama's, but it's hard tofind more beautiful, yummy hay. And I've yet to see my bun get soenthusiastic about anyone else's hay - even the supposed best from anumber of very good companies.

The hay smells beautiful, when I buy hay it hasto be old to minimize any chance of the calici virus being alive on itas most farmers spray that around to kill the wild rabbits.

That hay I bought as a bale about a year ago and it still smells aslovely as the day I got it, so I probably shouldn't be too concerned.My rabbits eat a lot of nice green grass anyway :).
I purchase Oxbow hay because our hay is alfalfa,and Bo is allergic to barn hay anyhow...... :?The dust hasalways been a problem for him.

I love the smell of good hay! When we feed the horses I love to break open the new bales :)
My bunnies actually pick out the brown stuff, they seem tolike it the best. :)

And thanks for the reminder, I'm running low. ;)


sas :)et al :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
You know, the brown stuff is actually better for them? It's something I found out when I spoke to Oxbow.
The first Oxbow shipment I got was very, verynice - but the last one made me go looking for other suppliers. Itseemed very subpar - not because it had brown leaf in it (Kleenmama'shas a fair amount), but it didn't smell very fresh and wasn't all thatappealing to my bun.
Ive been looking for someone to buy bulk hayfrom. Ive bought from some local farmers and it has a lot of alfalfa init, which wont work for us.

I just put in an order with kleenmama (it was the cheapest for mecompared to bunny bales and oxbow). Thanks for the tip, ec, I'll letyou know how it is! I figured it was worth a shot.
Oh my goodness Pipp, if that's your supply running low, what does it look like when you have a good amount?


One bale lasts me an entire year here, I love it, hay for a year and it's only $6!

P.S glad to see I'm not the only one who keeps hay in black plastic bags :D.
I wish I could keep mine in the garage but it'dgo mouldy in there :(. Right now I have a large boxful on the shelf inthe top of my closet, a couple of grocery bags full waiting to go outthe backdoor to the buns, and a big black bag full in the hot watercylinder cupboard.

Oh, and strands and clumps all over the house, waiting to be vacuumed (of course).
Pipp wrote:
And thanks for the reminder, I'm running low. ;)
I noticed that it didn't reach up to the ceiling anymore ;).

I put mine in the livingroom........tried throwing a sheet over it,putting a lamp on it, and telling my wife it was a new end table.
Didn't's in the basement now.

The first box of Oxbow I bought had quite a bit of brown stuff in it that the buns wouldn't touch. It was also rather dusty.
The box I just got is greener and smells fresher, but it's still pretty dusty.
Benji has a terrible time with dust causing runny eyes. I've triedgiving him top-of-the-box and shaking out as much dust aspossible....even have tried misting it down and he still seems to bebattling runny eyes since we've been buying the Oxbow.
I'm thinking of rigging up a wire mesh colander to the vac so I can get all the dust out for him. He LOVES his hay!!!!


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