He is drinking and eating and pooping .

Yesterday the dentist described Beau as 'tough" and I must admit that I have to give him credit for all he has been through in his life.
Ireceived a case summary sheet from the vet andI will type in the Assessment because even though it is technical it does really describe the severity of his problems.
Oral Exam (Major Findings)
!) Overgrowth of maxillary incisors and peg teeth cauing a malocclusion with the mandibular incisors
2) Class 3 mobility of the lst, 2nd, 3rd, mandibular left cheek teeth with advanced periodontal disease and infected root tips
3) Lateral deviation of the left 4th mandibular cheek tooth
4) 8mm ulcer with caseous purulent discharge to the left 1st, 2nd mandibular cheek teeth
1) Good anesthetic candidate
2) Ulceration lingual to the lst and 2nd mandibular cheek teeth with purulent discharge indicating a severe periodontal infection.
3 )Advanced periodontal disease causing severe attachment loss and mobility of the left mandibular 1st,2nd and 3rd cheek teeth necessitating extraction. A root/bund of the 3rd cheek tooth remains . this will eventually grow back into the mouth.
4th Malocclusion of the maxillary and mandibular incisors
5)Lateral deviation of the 4th mandibualr left cheek tooth
His mouth is a mess ......
But for some reason he has never had an abscess (Thank God)