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Okay, ladies, I just can't resist. I just have to add my touch to this! ;)


(*Sound file moved to separate thread.)

BatBunny's going to love the additions!

were home!!!!! andbatman is doing wonderful! his surgery went smoother than smooth-when icalled @ 2, they said he was doing great... eating and drinking& giving kisses to all the girls at the clinic! my littlecasanova! now hes laying in his cage resting. im sooo happy/relieved,etc. i was worrying all day untill my friend was like "look, its 1pm.if anything happened, they wouldve called you by now & im surehes been out of surgery for awhile now..." once i comprehended that, ifelt alot better and when i talked to the vets, i was ecstatic.:D and that picture & the song-i love it! you guysare awesome!!
Oh Thank Goodness! I was getting worried, but figured/hoped you got caught up in things. Woo Hoo! Batman's fine!

Now we only have to hear that Megan made it out of heat stroke and we'll have a successful day.

Kisses to the BatMan! See, it's hard to keep a good man down.

Thanks for the happy news!

Hey, Batbunny, I'm going to remove the sound filefrom this thread and set it up in a separate thread so that Pamnock canget in here and read all of this good news. :)
thanks again everyone!! will do pam!and okey doke bunnymommy! :)

well, i just gave him some nutri-cal as weve been home foran hour & he hasnt started munching yet. i even put one of hissugary treats in the cage but he hasnt touched it. so well see...
YEAH Batman! what a sweet lil bunny :)only 2p? Glad to hear all went well with his surgery andhopefully I can get in here tomorrow for some updates on him..

Take care xo Batman Lotsa lubb from Jade and Jezebel
whew-im getting a workout going back& forth here! ;)hes doing well...eating a bit anddrinking. he seems to be more alert than yesterday and has hopped outof the cage a couple times. i just let him roam for a few minutes& he went back on his own...guess he knows he needs to relax!hes sleeping now...with his care bear... ineed to gobuya digital camera! :plast night, i slept next onthe floor next to the cage, with my arm in the cage-which put me in astrange position. now my neck hurts...but ill be sleeping there againtonight anyway! ...the things we do for our pets. lol.

HB104-2lbs 6oz sounds so little, doesnt it?well,he is little, but you know what i mean. haha.
just a little update...:)

i just gave batman some torbutrol... i was sitting with him& he made a strange noise ive never heard before and when ilooked in his little eyes, i could tell he wasnt feeling so hot. hepepped up when i gace him the (laced:p) white chocolate strawberryyogurt though! other than that, hes been lounging all day and startingto nibble here and there.
pamnock wrote:
Idon't like to overfeed before surgery -- however I do advise parsley,hayand a little nutri calto encourage continued gutfunction through this stressful time. It is never recommendedto fast rabbits before surgery. The recommended anesthesia isisoflurane gas.

Here is further info:

Is this nutri cal something you give to your bun after surg?And if so do you get it from a pet shop? One more thingsorry... when do you stop giving him nutri cal and when do you give thebuns "adult food" what age? Does anyone give there buns them pelletsthat have timothy hay in them as there Reg food? I have seen them atthe pet store not sure if thats too much "hay" even if they are alsofeeding off a hay rack. Glad to hear your bunny is ok im making a apptnext week for my lil one to go in im dreading it :( I'll be sick to mystomach for the next week
I always give regular timothy hay because theylike to dig through it and get the perfect blade. I like to watch themeat hay. I use critical and but nutrical will be easier to use but Ionly use it to keep the gut working not in addition to food. I use itif they are slow eating prior and after surgery. If they eat I do notgive them any. Each bun is different and has a different tolerance topain. I believe that determines if they eat or not how muchthey are hurting

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