Basil, Max, Tumnus & Lucy

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Okay, Im double posting all of this it seems.Heres my infirmary link if anyone needs to catch up:

Anyway, we'rehome now and Max is doing great. Thanks toeveryone for your kinds words. I was such a nervous mommy allday!Max is just resting now, but he already ate andwent to the bathroom and everything. Basil was sure happy to see himand is giving him lots of kisses and attention.

Anyway, I went to this shelter while Max was in surgery (its about anhour away, so I can only do it a few times a month) and Im so excited.They have about 100 bunnies, lots of them are bonded. Theyre in theprocess of switching everything to NIC pens soits easier toclean. It was so great. There are a few permanent residents that theylet out to run around and it was just too cute. This one huge gray boywas running around checking out all the other buns..if they got mad hewould just hop off ( I could just imagine him running up to them andsaying "im free and youre not..hahaha") Anyway, Im so excited to helpout.

I might actually consider fostering sinceit would besomething I could do to help out without having to be there so often.Theyhave a rex who needs some socialiing and excersize, somaybe she willbe coming here for a while. Im just so afraidthat once I bring one home, I wont be able to let themgo!

Anyway, this is long...I'll keep everyone posted :)

I decided it would be a good idea to just have alow-key weekend and hang out around the house so I can keep an eye onMax. Soo...I got really bored and decided to do something with the NICgrids I had in storage (I bought lots of boxes when they were on saleat Target).

I decided to build Bas and Max a palace. They arent ever in their cage,but I start school this week and it would be nice to be able to putthem in there without feeling bad (their last cage was just too smallso I never put them in it). Its 4 wide, 2 deep, 2 high. Iwould like to make it wider (they probably wont even go on the secondlevel) but my room is just too small. Anyway..its a work in progress:


Its basically just like Mr. Tumnus' cage...but not as cool bc its not finished :)

Also, heres some more fun pics:


Can you see Basil's nose?? Its orange from stealing Max's carrot juicethat I have been putting out to encourage him to be eating/drinkingenough after the surgery. I keep having to remind Basil that he's notthe one who's sick :)


Look at that Booty!!! :shock2:

Oh, and Max is still doing fine...what a trooper!
So glad to hear that Max is doingbetter. It's amazing how worried we bunny mamas get whenthey're sick! But it's always such a relief when they're allbetter again, and binkying around like nothing ever happened...whatsweeties!

This is the first time I've been able to read your bunny blog...whatCUTIES!! I love Mr. Tumnus' name...PERFECT for him.I love how creative that is (along with the sign you put on hiscage).

I love Basil's handsomeness and love for the ladies...howcute. And Max seems to be such a Sweetheart! I lovetheir snuggly pictures with one another. Hopefully you'llhave ones to show that include Mr. Tumnus soon!! :)

Anyway, loved your blog...will now venture off to read others as well...(how is it I've never done this before?)...

Nice cage! Although if you want arecommendation, make the door 2 grids high. It'll make itmuch easier to get to them if they're hiding in the cage and feelingill. The door on my 2x4 cage was actually 2x2 with zip tiesalong the middle vertical portion so it folded. I could openthe first 1x2 section or the whole 2x2 and fold it so it was out of theway.

And Tumnus has an awesome butt! Has he thought of touring with J. Lo?
Thanks guys!

Rosie: I think i was more worried about Max than he was. I keepchecking on him every few minutes and he acts like he didnt even havesurgery :)

Angela: Thanks for the tip! Right now, there is no top on thecage and Im seeing how this works...neither of them like to jump (andwont even go on the second level) so we'll see. It makes it so easy toclean (and pick up the bad boys) without a top. Oh, and"Tummy from the Block" hmmm. he likes the sound of that :)

Pinksalamander: Im not exactly sure of the breed, as he was arescue. I know hes at least part lionhead (boy does he have an afro!)and we think maybe part holland lop (bc of how high his head sits andthe coloring around his eyes). He sure is a little ball of fluff though!

I didn't get to check RO very much during my vacation, but I thoughtabout Max quite a bit. I'm so glad that his surgery was a success!

Also, the new cage looks GREAT!

Fran: We're unsure about Tummy's exact age, as he ws a rescue, but we think he's about a year old.

Amy: Thanks for thinking of my little Max. Hes doing great!

So..I have a few more pics to post! I have homework to do andam doing anything I can to avoid doing it...I just baked bunny biscuitsand now Im posting pics ;)

"Not you again, Mommy, put that flashy thing down!"


"You're not going to put it down, are you? Okay, I give up..I'll pose"


"Its hard being this cute. Now, may I havea treat, Mommy?"


And one of Tumnus in his Cottontail Cottage. He really loves this thing:


PS. Basil and Max's palace is to come soon...
CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! Mr. Tumnus has officially stolen my heart!

I just have to get some new pictures of my guys would be shocked at how big Flower is now!!! :D
Oh my gosh you guys..I made bunny bicuits yesterday and the boys loved them.

Mr. Tumnus continues to amaze me with his cuteness. When he was livingin the wild, a few of the neighbors were putting food out for him. Ithink what he would do is grab the food and take it back to a safe area(he camped out a lot under a neighbors deck).

So today, when I offered him the cookie, he grabbed the whole thing inhis mouth and started running all around the living room with it.Apparently he couldnt find a good enough area to sit and eat it, so hejumped in his cage on the upper level where I cant really reach him.

I have a few pics of this adventure (but they're at home and Im not) and I will post them when I get home tonight.

I just had to share. He is too cute for words!
Oh....that is just adorable!! Wheredid you get the recipe for the bunny biscuits? I've wanted todo something as a treat every now and then for my girls. Goodidea! :)
Here's the link for the recipe.....from the HRSwebsite..buns loveit!

Also, I think my guys like it better when I use pumpkin instead of carrot and add some raisins!

As promised, greedy Mr. Tumnus and his cookie (this reminds me ofone of our member's avatar..cant remember who.."Im in your house and Imeating your cookies")..thats what Tumnus is thinking!

Our story begins with Mr. Tumnus taking a casual afternoon nap:

"What do you want, mom. Camera? No, Im not up for pictures right now. Go away"


"What's that you say? Cookies? What are cookies?"


"Oh boy!..I can already taste the sweet pumpkin and banana...Im outta here!"


"At last, I can eat my meal in peace without fear of beingscooped up!"


"You will never get me now!"


Wish I couldve gotten more of him running with it (which lasted forabout 2 minutes) but he was just moving way too fast (and unfortunatelymy camera isnt that great).

So cute though!

Haley, your Mr Tumnus is the cutest.Everytime I see his adorable face I cannot believe you found himwandering around outside. I just can't comprehend how anyonecan be so cruel to let a little amnimal (so cute) out to fend forhimself.

Bravo to you for saving this most adorable guy.
