Basil, Max, Tumnus & Lucy '07

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OOoh, great new pictures!! Max islookin so good. I love him and Basil! We don't getto see enough of those two (hint hint - MORE pictures)

Your crew looks great! How is Max doing after all of the medicalproblems he had last year? He looks like he is doing very well. I'm soglad that you found a friend for Mr.Tumnus! Lucy is such a beautifulgirl, and I love the theme you have with the names (even for theirbunny palace!)

Amy!! I missed you!

Max is doing great. He just had another surgery about a month ago toremove the abscess and all of his inscisors. So far, he's wonderful!You need to update your blog, I miss pics of your kids!

Oh, and I'll try to get more pics soon. I wanted to do an Easter photo shoot but Im sick as a dog today, so we'll see...
I'm glad to hear that all is well! It's amazinghow well our bunnies can do without their front teeth! I posted somemore recent pictures in an introduction thread, and I'm planning onupdating the bunny blog as soon as I get back from picking up my Easterorder at the bakery (I've promised the family that I will not eat allof the cupcakes before dinner tomorrow.)

Here's the answer to the question about the hay that you asked on the intro page.

Haley- Alfred never ate much hay, I think it was probably because histeeth were so in the way. Don't get me wrong, he did eat it, but I hadto cut it up into small pieces.

Since his surgery his hay eating habits have stayed about the same. I'mstill cutting it up for him, in hopes that it will get him to eat more.I think that maybe his gums are still a little sore, as his surgery wasonly about a week ago (Actually, looking at my calendar, it was only 4days ago, Tuesday the 3rd of April), and he only stopped the pain medstoday. Maybe it's just too pointy and dry? I'm going to give it anotherday or two then maybe I'll try spraying it with water to soften it. Iwouldn't leave it out for very long like that though, because themoisture might attract bacteria.

Alfred has been eating everything else though. Lots of pellets, freshgreens, and the occasional fruits and veggies. I still have to cut theharder things (fruits and veggies) into small pieces though, because hedoesn't have the front teeth to break them apart.
I'd love any tips and ideas that you have as far as feeding/food choices for bunnies without incisors.

Whoa, Lucy looks like William's long lost sister!

Haley, I :heart: your pictures so much! Basil and Max look like thebest of friends, and I especially love the one of Max flopped next tohis condo :inlove:

Do your boys ever pee on your bed? It's William's favorite past time.

Words cannot express how adorable I think Tumnus is. Not only is hephysically adorable, you can tell his personality through the pics.Wow, he is such a cutie!
aww Thanks Flopsnwills :hug2:Max peesin my bed sometimes. He did it more when he was very sick and didntwant to get down. I always try to put a thick towel under him..

Okay, I have Easter photos! I have to get some sleep so I'll post themall tomorrow, but heres a little teaser for Mr. Tumnus fans:


Wanna know whathe's thinking?: "Not cool, mom. Not cool" :disgust:
Daisy Mae is in LOVE.:inlove:

How did you keep the flowers in his fur and where did you get the blanket? Daisy Mae wants one.

Susan :bunnydance:
SOOOSKA wrote:
Daisy Mae is in LOVE.:inlove:

How did you keep the flowers in his fur and where did you get the blanket? Daisy Mae wants one.

Tell Daisy Mae I took a few of Tumnus sans Lucy just for her ;)

The flower is actually a hair tie (on a rubberband), its mineactually.:embarrassed: And the thing underneath is actually an Eastertable cloth from Walmart I picked up for 1.50 :D

Thanks AngelnSnuffy, he is precious, isnt he? :)
Awwwwwww .......

I think I've died and gone to heaven with all the cuteness!!!Mr. Tumnus is such a little dreamboat!! What a handsomeboy!!!!!

Oh, you might have Drew (Tumnus' long lost twin) is a boy,we found out...hehe!! So they're even more alikenow!! :D

More pictures!!! :D:D:D

Love ya,

Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

P.S. That picture is officially my desktop it!! :D
Okay, heres the rest!

First, my heart boys, Basil and Max:




Next, one of Tumnus and Lucy:


Lucy (who was impossible to photograph, half my pics are a brown blur!):


And, the precious (and not feminine at all) Mr. Tumnus:




Oh Haley all your Babies are stunning.


Daisy Mae is more in LOVE:heartbeat:, she can't believe how HANDSOMEher Boyfriend is,she says he gets better looking with everypicture yor take.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Haley - you got some great pictures!I'm suprised Tummy stayed in the basket long enough for you to getpictures of him sitting calmly. I didn't do easter picturesthis year... maybe next year.

I remember your video of Tumnus and Lucy in the snow, but I went backto look after you mentioned it and you're right - Misty was doingEXACTLY what Lucy was doing - running around checking things out... andCharlie (Like Tumnus) just hopped right in.


Such little characters!

That was a cuteness overload. Yourboys are looking handsome, as usual. Keep a close eye on themas I'm trying to figure out how to get there with my carrier rightabout now.

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