Bargain hutch!

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Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
Sugar Land, Texas, USA
I wouldn't use a hutch this size if Clementine was in it all the time, but we have the office, where I spend most of my time, fairly well bunny proofed and so she is out whenever I am in here, which is most of the day. But the cool thing is that this hutch sat around Petco, on clearance for weeks. It had been marked down to $179 and then half price off of that -- still too rich for my blood since Clementine was doing fairly well in the other cage we had modified. Well, the manager overheard me telling my friend who works there that I had gotten a new bunny. He said, "You know, we have this hutch over here..." I said, "I know, and it would be perfect, but it's not a necessity and we really don't have the extra money (really I was thinking, if I am going to spend that much money I am going to build a rabbit castle, right?) Anyway, he said, "Well, it's taking up too much room and we really need to get it out of the store, so what if I mark it down to $20 and you get it for half off of that?" Soooo, for $10, I couldn't resist! Then, this past weekend we saw the exact same hutch at a feed store for $283 (though I've seen it online for just over $100) so my husband felt like we got the most amazing bargain ever and that made me happy. The hutch has worked out so well and Clementine seems to love it! Even with the door open, she hangs out in there quite a bit, though she seems to also love the area UNDER the hutch!

Sounds like a steal! Does she go in and out of the side with the wire door too? Whenever I've had something with a door like that, I rehang the door so it opens up and then I clip it out of the way; I'm always worried they're going to get a foot stuck.
That is a great deal!!!! I personally do not like those cages though. I have had too many bad experiences with them when the rabbits were kept in them outside. I guess that it would make an ok indoor cage :) Sorry if I sound negative about this great deal.
I have a three level cage that I bought when I first brought home Becky. I was so silly thinking I was going to keep her in a cage. It took 24 hours for me to realise she was miserable and I had wasted over $100. I didn't know NIC could be used at the time or that free range was an option. Now the cage is within Sophie and Houdini's enclosure with the door open all the time. They like to jump on the levels and play with the dangling toys in there. I guess it is good to have a cage just in case some bun gets injured and I have to confine them *shrugs*

This was her original set up with the cage and exercise pen. The cat likes to sleep on the top of the cage.

Pets and football game 214.jpg
That sounds like a great deal!
I've thought about that type of hutch for my bun, since she is indoors, but I also didn't want to shell out the money for it.

Congrats on the new hutch! I agree with Christina, I would take the wire door off that hangs and make open like a regular door. I would also be scared that my bun would get a foot stuck. Does it have a wire bottom that you have covered up?
The wire door may be for convenient access, to clean the inside or to get to your bunny easier. If it were me I'd probably just keep it closed. I'd be worried my rabbit would try to jump out through the opening. You sure can't beat $10 for it!
Wow definitely a great deal !!! I bought the same one from petsmart for like $150+ when I first got Peter. It was a good cage but I ended up building onto it and making it double the size so it was a square :)

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