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Feb 10, 2015
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I'm hoping someone can help me. We have a female rabbit who will be one in April. We've had her for around 7 months and since the day we've got her she has constantly banged her feet. I've tried all sorts and nothing seems to be helping! She's an outdoor rabbit but when she's really bad with it I have to bring her to an inside cage because I'm afraid she'll wake the neighbours. I've kept he cage covered/covered both inside and outside, topped up all her food/water/bedding and nothing works. It's getting to the point now where we're thinking of having to rehome her because every single night we are kept awake. What else can I try, will she ever stop?
My rabbit only bangs her feet when she's stressed or upset. Could something be bothering your rabbit, such as predators hanging around her outdoor cage, or maybe she doesn't like the cage environment or bedding? If there are predator pets such as ferrets in the area, this can stress a rabbit out if they smell them. Finally, has she been seen by a vet? Her behaviour could be caused by a health issue.
Rabbits thump for a number of reasons. They can thump for attention, or thump to warn others of potential danger.
If she does better indoors, why not make her an indoor bunny? Single rabbits are better kept indoors anyway, where they can receive more attention.
I have a site that show how to house rabbits indoors. Many RO members also house their rabbits indoors. Perhaps the site will help show how easy this can by done.
She's no better inside we bring her in purely so she doesn't disturb the neighbours, so I sont think its predators. The vets have given her the all clear today but have suggested we have her spayed, so she's booked in. She has lots of toys and company/time with us so I can't understand why. Hopefully the spaying will help. Otherwise I don't know what our next step will be x

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