Yeah, I don't quite get the deal about metacam either. I understand it's an rx med., but it's just an anti inflammatory, not a narcotic or anything. Pain relief is so important in these instances where there is no possibility of getting your rabbit to an emergency vet, but have to keep your rabbit going until your own vets office opens. It can sometimes be the difference between the rabbit going into full blown stasis, or quickly recovering.
We use judgment and take otc pain relievers for ourselves, all of the time,. I don't know how it's really any different when we have to do the same thing for our pets. Chris just as easily could have given ibuprofen or aspirin, for pain relief, yet I don't consider them as safe an alternative. Metacam seems to be one of the safest NSAIDS for rabbits. I really wish it wasn't rx.
Plus, I think the dosage she ended up giving, was at least half of what is recommended for rabbits anyways.