Bananas anyone?

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FlopsnWills wrote:
my boys both love bananas! that picture is hilarious:Di didnt know you could give them the peel either, ill haveto try that next time. i use both fresh and dried bananas and neitherof them have had runny poop, but i make sure not to give them too much.where can you find dried papaya as william hates papaya tablets.
A while back I transitioned all of my bunnies to a very controlleddiets. Limited pellets, unlimited timothy hay, rolled oats daily,romaine twice a week, and some dried papaya once a week.

The only thing that seems to affect their poops is fruit. However, the dried papaya doesn't seem to bother them for some reason.

I get the dried papaya at Pet Goods. They have it in the small animalsdept and in the bird dept. Kaytee has a whole line of dried fruits andveggies.
I get my dried papaya from the bulksection at a Health Food Store. It is cheaper thatthe packaged ones in the Pet Shops.

Pebbles has as much as 3 papaya tablets and severalpieces of dried papaya every day and she is doing very wellwith her poops.

When I feed Pebbles bananas with the skin.... I always wash the banana first.

Rainbows! :)

Guess who stole the banana out of my cereal this morning. :shock:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I get my dried papaya from the bulk section ata Health Food Store. It is cheaper that thepackaged ones in the Pet Shops.

Rainbows! :)

I tried finding it in bulk, but the payaya had sugar added at every place I tried so far.

peapoo loves bananas! ive never given her thepeel though.. ill try that. she likes oranges too, but she drags themto a corner and gets the juice everywhere. sticky bunny.. yuck!
peapoo_bunny wrote:
peapoo loves bananas! ive never given her the peel though..ill try that. she likes oranges too, but she drags them to a corner andgets the juice everywhere. sticky bunny.. yuck!
peapoolikes the peel does her new friend max (dog)
I can't remember where exactly but I heard thatbanana peel is bad for bunnies. Mine love banana though, and the peeltoo if I don't remove it
You don't want them eating big amountsof banana peel or banana for that matter. But the peel is fine forrabbits.

Christa will try and steal the peel off a banana if I don'twatch her. She'd rather have the peel, not the banana.

All of mine get their banana slices peel and all, and I'venever had a problem. They just don't get very much, very often.


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