Bald patches on my Bun

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New Member
Jul 7, 2010
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birmingham, , United Kingdom
I have 2 beautiful mini lop bunnies, about 2-3 yrs old, one male and one female both neutered. A couple of days ago i noticed a bald patch on Sooty my male buns head, i put it down to the female pulling a bit of his fur out but im not so sure now. Today i had a closer look and where the bald patch is looks quite dry and scabby/flaky. On closer inspection i also found one on his back. See pictures below.



My lovely bunny

What could this be and how can i make him a healthy bunny again??
It could be any number of things including fur mites (probably) or possibly ringworm
Fur mites can be treated with a dose of selamectin /Revolution but it would be best to take him to the vet where the vet can get a skin scraping and view it microscopically
If nothing shows up he could still be treated for mites as they often are difficult to treat even with a skin scraping.
I will always agree that it could be mites, etc. BUT, this year, first time I saw bald spots, sometimes a bit scabby and move areas. Never treated and is fine now. It went on for a couple months. Was strange cuz mostly it was slightly bald, not scabbed. SOOSKA had a bad problem w/ this, but related to over grooming with a pic like your first one. I have one too, I'll find and add here.

Here's my thread on it:
Thanks for the replies. Hes not bothered by it at all, but i didn't want him to get worse so ended up taking him to the vets. They couldn't see any mites but we have ended up with ivermectin to treat for mites just in case. Fingers crossed it sorts him out. Thanks,

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