Bad, Bad, ****BAD**** BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! >-(

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poorBunnyMommy, after reading your list and reading whatthehumble King has tried to do (the groveling) I feel for you........youmust be having a very hard time with disciplining him sinceIknow how much you love him~ and I know you must be gettingthe EYES. Best of luck with your new and improved? KingSherman(here's hoping something of this caliber NEVER happens again)Giantkiss on the head forhim-----------> (andfingers/paws crossed all around)

Cher, he's layingon the "I'm your sweet baby honey bun" routine really thick.;) I've really had a hard time resisting.:D
obunnymommy if that happened to me i dunnowhat i would havedone, i mean it was enough stress for me when my bunchewedthrough the video game cable.

the replies and all the things you said bunnymommy were so funny i dunno who to quote

bunnymommy u should write a book! bol! use that pic with sherman and his crown on the cover, i can see it now...
How cute is it when you tell them off, and theyjust binky in answer. Pernod does just that. I say Perrrrnoddd and Iknow she's listening 'cos her ears are twitching, and I know she'ssecretly watching me, then she binkies and goes on doing her own sweetthing. It's so cute I forget I was mad at her in the firstplace :?
hmmm... to show hubby or not to show hubby..... results of showing hubby story...

1. he will be grateful we have only lost a few items to chewaholics(phone, keyboard for pc.....and nearly the carpet cleaner toa bad puppy trying to be a rabbit)

2. he bans rabbits out of the lvrm

3. he says rabbits are only allowed in 1 room and 1 room only, their room, where there are no cords......

4. he'll think our buns are perfect angels and reward them all....

5. i will wait to share the story with him when somebunny is real bad and he needs to be thankful:p

oh bunnymommy you have your hands full. ask him to cut you a littleslack after all his royal highness could do at least thatmuch lol

Bunny Mommy,

I was just wondering if you'd figured out how to bunny proof your tv?We had an olderbig screen TV that I was always tryingtomake blend in. What I finally did was make a wood box to goaround it, it was basically 3 peices of wood, two sides and a top andit framed the TV, it went from the wall to the front edge of the TV.Does that make sense? Anyway, I figured Sherman would have a hard timegetting past that LOL.

It doesn't do us any good to try using a waterbottle for discipling Cookie. He does one of two things whenhe gets sprayed....

1. Keep doing the naughty behavior.

2. Go tattle to the other parent. (Usually he's telling on me to Dad)

Right now he responds to us clapping our hands together once and a stern NO! We'll see how long that lasts.


BunnyMommy wrote:
On top of that, when my husband wasaccusing him, I said, "Hon, you can't prove that he did that!? Maybesomething else happened."? My husband brought some of the cables over,handed them to me, just stood there and didn't say a word....


What could Isay?!!!??? ?

? ?

Remember this?

LMBO I have to say it, I know Shermanis putting you though all kinds of grief right now, but these storiesare giving me a good laugh!!! He has just always been a badboy...he just now has the attitude to go with it.

Shermandid all that? Are yousure?

Hehas always been a little stinker. I do so missthesestories. Wellhe has had some time to get used to being KING SHERMAN and he figuresit's time to act they way Royalty act.

Go give the Royal Stinker a treat for me.


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