Wow! :shock:They sure kept you busy!
I've been busy redoing my barn these past 2 weeks!

It allstarted with spring cleaning but the rabbits ended up 'moving' to thegarage. I decided since I was dragging everything out I'd redo somethings that I hated with the barn. One of those things done would beanew floor in so no more wood floor!

Instead nowI have fiber glass sheets as my floor which I love! So far it seemseasily to clean but then again the rabbits aren't back in the barn yet.So then I was waiting on my shipment of urine guards. I got thoseyesterday and stuck them on all the cages. I have to say it looks a lotmore 'professional now LOL! Except some of the rabbits 'get lost'within the urine guards. Like tonight when I came home from work, on aside profile all I could see were 'little ears'

So I getall excitied about moving my rabbits back into the barn yesterday butit didn't happen! I had been talking with my father and wedecided to restain the shed since it was so sun faded and had a poorquality stain. So thats what we are in the middle of now! We've got oneside left to do yet and I have to say myself that it looks nice!

It's gone from like an Indian Red to a Barn Red!

If all goes well I might get to move my rabbits in the barnon Monday or Tuesday!!
So this project has taken longer then I thought. Wellsomeoneforgot she had a doe bred. :XSo I'm in abind now on when to move this doe as shes due Monday and has alreadymade her nest and pulled some fur and is being VERY protective over hernest. :shock:
Ohhh... another thing! I got my polish doe bred today!
Hmmmm... how I got so off topic from 'shows' I don't know LOL! Well, Iguess I had to miss a show cause I was putting the floor in.LOL!