Baby's diet

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Jun 23, 2012
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Prescott, Arizona, USA
I have been trying to find an answer but no such luck yet, but do any of you know what babies (6 weeks & 8 weeks) should be eating daily? The man who gave me the 6 week mini rex had been feeding pellets, and only pellets... but shouldn't they have access to timothy all the time? and also greens & veggies? The 8 week old came to me as a rescue drop off so i know very little about its previous diet, but he had a few leaves of romaine he was munching happily on when he arrived.

I am just want to make sure to give them the best, ya know?:biggrin2:
The pellets should be alfalfa pellets rather than timothy. Having unlimited hay is vital to getting the nutrition in the pellets get through digestion. Alfalfa hay is probably best, but timothy or any other grass hay is nearly as good.

Generally people wait until about 3 months to give greens, to avoid diarrhea. When greens are introduced it's best that it be one kind at a time & start with just one bite the first day & slowly increase it, but stop if the poop becomes soft. But if the 8-wk-old is already eating a little romaine, you should continue with a little.
The pellets and hay should both be alfalfa until 5-6 months of age. It is far too rich for an adult bun but gives them the boost they need while growing.

I would wait until at least 4 months for any kind of veggies so you don't have diarrhea problems. Make sure to introduce only one veggies at once in small quantities and gradually increase them.
I also have a bunny who is about 8 weeks old. I feed him unlimited alfalfa pellets with unlimited timothy hay. Like the above answers you can feed unlimited alfalfa hay but only till 6 months since it is too richer in protein than other hays. At 12 weeks start introducing veggies slowly. And at 6 months stop with the unlimited pellets and feed 1/4 cup per 5 ibs daily.