Baby Zappa isn't well

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I hope syringe feeding between his front incisors and back teeth will go well for added liquids. Go slowly, be very very patient. Takes the babes a while to adjust to plastic nipple presence from my rehab/baby background. Was wondering if the blood came from trying to pass the hardened poo? Thus causing the swelling. Hope Dr. Bixler will be fine and give good advice. You can rely on our vets too, for another opinion if you need to.
Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital, Brookfield, WI 262-781-5277.

When our 16 were growing up in the house, I gave them a shallow bowl of water. Like angieluv, dunno if I'd give too much pedialyte.

Being Active is a good thing !!! Thoughts are w/you, James, and Zappa babe.
Sorry for the wait, I had to run to work soon after the vet appointment and I haven't had time to post till now. Zappa was adored by one and all of course. Dr. Bixler does seem to have some experience with babies, as she was talking about pros and cons of certain antibiotics for baby rabbits.

She is concerned that his genitals area seems more inflamed than the anal area. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but that area is a big (maybe dime-width) swollen ball-shaped lump with the anus and genital openings on top. Possibility that an abscess formed there. She did a quick needle aspiration and found nothing unusual but that doesn't necessarily mean much. Syphilis is also a possibility and we'll be watching for it. She prescribed Trimetheprim (mild sulfa oralantibiotic), warm wet compresses several times a day, and supplemental feeding with extra-watery Critical Care to make sure he's getting enough fluids and nutrition. Oh, and she ok'd putting Neosporin on the swollen area. I kept meaning to ask Randy that. There is a spot on one side where the skin split. She wanted a phone consultation tomorrow and to see him again on Wednsday unless anything looks worse or unusual.

Antibiotics= yum! I think it's bubblegum flavored.:p

If the swelling hasn't started reducing by Wednesday or if it gets worse, we'll probably have to do penicillin shots. Dr. Bixler has apparently had bad experiences with that and tiny baby buns which is why we're not doing it now. If it comes to that I'll have her talk to Randy first as apparently he's used penicillin a lot on baby cottontails. I'll also be keeping a close eye on the other babies on the off chance that some of the swelling is from syphilis. Apparently the mom doesn't always show symptoms if she has it. Hopefully not because that's 6 babies and 6 adults that would all need to be treated, two of which have been adopted already!

For future reference, Benebac might not be a good thing for a baby this young. According to Randy, nursing rabbits have a different intestinal pH which changes at weaning- which is when he uses Benebac to help with the weaning process for his handfed babies. Benebac makes the pH more like that of a healthy adult rabbit, not a nursing rabbit.
Aww, poor Zappa, I'm just seeing this now! I hope he's ok, and that the antibiotics help him out.... little guy has to get well for his journey over to my house, right? :p

Seriously though, I hope he gets better soon!

Jen xx
LOL I wonder what the shelter would say if I told them I got one of the babies adopted, he's flying to Britain!!!

I do think James is enjoying the excuse to have a baby bunny snuggled up on him. I have some pics from last night that I'll have to upload, maybe tomorrow morning. If you think guys with adult buns are sexy, you should see a guy snuggling a tiny baby bun!
Maybe something about such a small bunny having such a large carbon footprint lol! :p Seriously though, I love him! He looks ike such a trouble maker!
naturestee wrote:
Sorry for the wait, I had to run to work soon after the vet appointment and I haven't had time to post till now. Zappa was adored by one and all of course. Dr. Bixler does seem to have some experience with babies, as she was talking about pros and cons of certain antibiotics for baby rabbits.

She is concerned that his genitals area seems more inflamed than the anal area. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but that area is a big (maybe dime-width) swollen ball-shaped lump with the anus and genital openings on top. Possibility that an abscess formed there. She did a quick needle aspiration and found nothing unusual but that doesn't necessarily mean much. Syphilis is also a possibility and we'll be watching for it. She prescribed Trimetheprim (mild sulfa oralantibiotic), warm wet compresses several times a day, and supplemental feeding with extra-watery Critical Care to make sure he's getting enough fluids and nutrition. Oh, and she ok'd putting Neosporin on the swollen area. I kept meaning to ask Randy that. There is a spot on one side where the skin split. She wanted a phone consultation tomorrow and to see him again on Wednsday unless anything looks worse or unusual.

Antibiotics= yum! I think it's bubblegum flavored.:p

If the swelling hasn't started reducing by Wednesday or if it gets worse, we'll probably have to do penicillin shots. Dr. Bixler has apparently had bad experiences with that and tiny baby buns which is why we're not doing it now. If it comes to that I'll have her talk to Randy first as apparently he's used penicillin a lot on baby cottontails. I'll also be keeping a close eye on the other babies on the off chance that some of the swelling is from syphilis. Apparently the mom doesn't always show symptoms if she has it. Hopefully not because that's 6 babies and 6 adults that would all need to be treated, two of which have been adopted already!

For future reference, Benebac might not be a good thing for a baby this young. According to Randy, nursing rabbits have a different intestinal pH which changes at weaning- which is when he uses Benebac to help with the weaning process for his handfed babies. Benebac makes the pH more like that of a healthy adult rabbit, not a nursing rabbit.

Wow ..most of this info is new to's really interesting. I didn't know penicillin was used on infants, or about the bene-bac (but I'd be afraid to try it on that young a rabbit anyway)I also did notknow that babies would devlop syphyllis (if that's what it is) at such a young age. Did randy say if there is any probiotic combination that couldcompare to the ph of the mom. benebac is a combintions of live cultures and I guess the important one is lactobacillus casei. ( the one used when antibiotics are given)

i hope that you can treat him!

I bet you never expected this Angela..surprises around every corner.

really hope that he comes through this OK!
Well, he seems a little less swollen now. The main difference is that instead of being tight and hard, the swollen lump actually gives a little when I touch it gently. Yay for progress!

I don't know what probiotics would be good for a bun of this age, although his mom's milk might have some and will also be the right pH and such. Critical Care does have a little bit of probiotics but not much and since it's dried they wouldn't be live cultures.

Cheeky monkey tried to climb into my shirt. Must be a boy!:p
Maybe it is a little abscess of some kind...

if it's less inflamed and hard maybe the warm soaks and antibiotic are helping.
Looks like he's keeping you up late.....
Sorry no medical advice but --what a CUTE bun!!!!!!

Hope all works out for Zappa and the problem is figured out and just one suggestion that is COMPLETELY from left field w/no medical knowledge but could he be allergic to something? Thinking when my Niece was born and had to be fed "formula" she had the "WORST diapphrea rash I've ever seen (had to be placed on Goats milk)..

Again, I have very limited medical knowledge of Buns - but if you try everything you might ask you Vet..

Good luck! Will keep you and Zappa in my thoughts and prayers.
Kinda somewhat related subject.. but I gave those cecal dysbiosis babies of mine Bene Bac quite frequently from the time they had nubby hair on them till I got them totally weaned.. and 5 of them ended up strong and healthy.. 2 adopted by ATorres.. the rest by another local lady.

I honestly think had it not been for the BeneBac.. they wouldn't have made it..

I may be crucified for this.. but I am a firm beleiver in BeneBac when antibiotic are given.. even in the toddler buns..

He's doing well. He looks the same as last night, and he seems as active and happy as the other babies.

Although it was hard to call the vet this morning like she wanted because she doesn't even come in till 2 pm.:? So I just left a message. She can call James at home if she has any questions. He goes in for a recheck tomorrow.

I hope this clears up soon. We're going camping with a friend this weekend. I showed one of my friends who will be caring for the animals how to give Zappa the antibiotics this morning in case he needs to. Once he gets a taste of it he starts chewing on the syringe for more so it's pretty easy.
Good news first. Zappa still acts happy and is nursing, eating solids, drinking water, and pooping fine. And he has grown since Monday.

Bad news. The swelling looks unchanged from Monday night. Dr. Bixler is very concerned about it and thinks that the pressure might cause his penis (I guess he's a boy) andother urogenital tissue contained in the swelling to turn necrotic. He got a localized penicillin shot and three days of Metacam, no more because she's worried about it damaging his kidneys. We'll continue the oral antibiotics too just in case, and anyway it doesn't stress him because it tastes yummy. I'm not sure what the options are if the swelling doesn't go down soon. If it just won't go down there is a surgical option but apparently it's a difficult surgery for adult cats and any surgery for a baby bunny this age is difficult enough.

FYI another attempt at needle aspiration of the swollen area yielded nothing.

It looks like I won't be going camping this weekend. I needed the break.:?
Aww no, poor baby... I'm sorry to hear he's not doing as well.. I hope the penicillin helps him, it's good that he seems otherwise ok though!

And I'm sorry that you're having to cancel your camping trip.... I know how frustrating it is to really need a holiday and not be able to take it :(

Come on baby Zappa, you can beat this!

Poor little guy! I wonder if putting some silvadine cream on the area would help? We always use that on any infections.

Is there anyone else rabbit savvy who could care for them over the weekend? Thats awful you have to skip your vacation. Wish I was closer :(

I'll be praying for my little dutch friend.
Oh no! What about boarding him at the vet's for the weekend? I know that's not cheap, but the people you're fostering him for might understand the extra expense. Then again, it might be difficult to relax while worrying about the little guy. Are you icing it at all to bring down the swelling? We did that after Benjamin's neuter. Ice pack wrapped in a towel for 10 min at a time 2-3 times a day. I'd take care of him, but WI is really a large state, I have no experience with babies (or very sick bunnies for that matter), and I hope to be moving out of my apartment this weekend. Maybe you can reschedule your trip.

The thing is, if something goes wrong with Zappa I want to be there. I don't really know any rabbit savvy people in the area beyond Myheart who is a bit of a drive away. The vet did suggest taking Zappa with me if it was possible as I had asked her opinion on leaving my petsitting friends with him. But the problem is he is still nursing and is far better off being with Jazzy and his siblings. If he were being bullied out of nursing by his siblings I would consider taking him with me but that's not the case. I don't think my vet clinic boards animals and they don't have people over night or on weekends beyond the Saturday morning office hours.

If there is an infection at all, it would be internal. The one skin tear from the swelling appears to be healing fine with just Neosporin. My fear is that there is no infection, just swollen damaged tissue that doesn't want to go back to normal.
I can understand , Angela, if you have to cancel the trip but it sure is a shame.

I wish I was closer..........

Isn't there anyone from the shelter that you would feel comfortable with coming to your house?
I guess that you would have thought of that by now.