Baby wild bunnies

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May 18, 2012
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Telford, Pennsylvania, USA
I found a nest of baby bunnies yesterday not sure how old they are. I'm guessing only a few days some still have thier eyes closed there are a few with eyes open.

I havent seen mom yet I've been searching online and found out that she may only visit the next once or twice a day and stay out of view the rest of the time. Makes me feel a little better.

I did check on the babies and they look good nice and warm don't look sick. Maybe a little thin but maybe they wern't just fed. They are quiet and not crying which I read is another sign that they are being fed.

I put two twigs crossed over the next to see if mom is coming back. My question is will she abandon the nest if I keep checking on them not constantly but like once a day. Another thing is she had them almost next to my back door we are constantly using it as thats where my dogs go out.

Don't worry my dogs will be leashed walked out and they have a speical pen to go in so they won't get the bunnies.

Any advise would be greatly appriciated.
Had a nest in our backyard. Jake our dog found it. Did check on them to make sure Jake left them alone. A few days ago, came out and Mom Bunny moved her litter to another spot. She won't stop coming back, but she might move them.

And yes Mom Bunny will come twice a day to feed her babies. Usually early morning, late evening.

As baby bunnies grow fast, they should be gone in a month.

Thanks that makes me feel better. I don't want anything to happen to them. They are so darn cute. Takes everything I have not to scoop them up and cuddle them.

I actually think she moved them there because the day before yesterday I was weeding all around there and didn't see a nest or rabbit fur yesterday there was a mound of grass and rabbit fur I thought the stray cat that hangs around got my rabbit.

I went to pick up the fur and it moved of course I screamed not knowing what it was lol.
I wouldn't worry about the mom not coming back if you're checking the nest. However, I *would* worry about predators coming as they see and smell you going to the nest. That's what we've found with nests near out house.
I have enough pets without adding a rabbit. My husband would kill me lol. I have 4 dogs and 5 cats as it is. I did have 2 rabbits when I was younger. Tho they wern't very nice and I just remember them trying to bite me all the time.
Update: I saw mama rabbit tonight so I feel alot better knowing the little ones are still being fed. I watched from my window as she fed them and then about 5 mins later covered them and went on her way.
Yay! That's rewarding. I did the opposite before and "rescued" them. They ended up aspirating and died. I was ill informed and naive on their ability take take care of themselvsz
When I was really young I stepped on a nest full of babies. My dog did kill the mother and we(my family) tried to care for them but they died.

I was really worried as before I knew it was a nest I touched it then when I found out thier were babies I put it back but was afraid mom would reject them. I then read that thats not true.
Babies are getting big. I still check on them in the morning just to make sure none look sickly. Thier eyes are open and they are getting a little big for all of them in the next.

Does anyone know when they start to venture out. Right now my dogs have no idea they are there. I keep a close watch on them when I'm in the yard with them.

My one dog last night chased mama. That was my fault I didn't see her in the yard when I let them out. I'm glad she came back and fed them tho.

What should I do when they start coming out. I can't keep my dogs in forever but I don't want them to get hurt. I'm worried they will either scare them to death. My one will want to be their mother and would prob just either lick them or nudge them. My other had prey drive so not sure if he would hurt them my guess is yes.
Sounds like they will be venturing out real soon. Like in a couple days. Wild bunnies have to develop very fast. They grow up real fast just to survive.

If you accompany the dogs out for the next week, then you will know everything is OK. The babies will learn to hide when the dogs are out. Mom is older and wiser so she is not scared to come back.

Glad to hear all are doing well. Wait til you see them running around, they are so cute. I've had the pleasure of seeing these wee ones myself. Believe me, they do learn about dogs and other dangers. It's hardwired in them as prey animals.

I will start to leash them if the babies are out. I have a dog yard off the side of my house that they go into to do thier buisness so they don't ruin the yard.

I have working breeds so they need to run which I will let them when babies and mama are out of sight.
I will start to leash them if the babies are out. I have a dog yard off the side of my house that they go into to do thier buisness so they don't ruin the yard.

I have working breeds so they need to run which I will let them when babies and mama are out of sight.
Cottontails babies open their eyes between day 7-10. By day 14 they will be venturing out of the nest and scampering to hidey places and scampering to protection spots. Mom e/c will nurse them until approx. day 21.

Thank you for paying close attention to where your prey drive dog or dogs will be in the yard! That will give the juveys the very best chance to grow up and survive. Feral cats and wandering cats are another animal to watch.
We do have a few cats arounds tho I haven't seen any in my back yard just occasionally in the front. We do however have hawks which makes me worry.

I put a laundry basket over the next and cut a hole out so mom could get in hoping to protect them from any wild critters that may venture in the yard.
All extra protection and hide cover in the yard will help. Yah, the red-tails and Cooper's' are going to be watching for juvies or adults.

What a terrific eastern cottontail guardian you are!!

Freeze, flee, or fight. | Adults or babies won't be able to fight with a predator who outpowers them with feet, wings, claws and teeth. Hope they continue to stay safe.
They will want protection with two entrances or exits.

(We have at least 2 in our edge habitat and brush pile areas at the moment, and are taking the role of BigHuman to the juveniles.)

> Very cool that you can observe Mom Cottontail too.

Wood racks, log piles, thick brushy areas, under deck areas, et al, will help with protection from nocturnal or daytime wild critters.


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