Baby Rosie

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Rosie. Shes been with meabout a year (purchased her on Mother's day last year). We got her at alocal SuperPet (admittidly, I sometimes wish I had rescued a bun, thatwas my original plan, but when I saw Rosie, I never let her leave mysight untill me mom saw her). Mom, who has been 50/50 on getting arabbit (she was convinced that they smelled bad; but she knew they werecute) saw her and, just as I knew she would, fell in love. In fact, Iremember pointing out another rabbit and saw "or maybe that one, he'scu..." and my mom giving my this look that said 'how dare you think ofgetting another rabbit' and replied "it's ugly". Now the next greatobstical was my dad.. the seemingly animal-hating, cold-hearted guy whojust never seemed to want another animal (he's not really like that,but that is what I tell myself when he declines me getting anotherfurry friend). My mom eased him over to the bunnies. My mom pointed outRosie. he looked at her. And, in perhaps the most tense moment of mylife, he thought. And finally, "what ever..." Of course, Iknewthat deep down he liked her, because when an employeetook her out to give to us, he started asking question and gettinginterested in her.So I had my bun. Now for the name..

We were discussing this on our way to mygrandparents' house to introduce them to our unexpected new familymember. Peony was suggested, Tulip, Daisy. And then my dad, thevery obsical against me getting her randomly said "what about Rosie".Now, if you know my dad (and you probably don't >.<) heis a tank-like, hockey playing, manly man kinda guy. And for him tosuggest "Rosie" was quite unexpected, but it was settled.

[align=center]A very blurry little baby picture.See how orange she was![/align]
[align=left]Not only did my dad name her, but,weirdly enough, he was also the first person that she ever licked, itwas adorable (she was probably just attempting to groom his arm hair:D... eww....)[/align]
[align=left]Every night for months after we gother, I'd lay down on the couch, with the TV on and a soft blanket, androsie on my tummy. This is where he first started to bond. At first shejust stood their, grooming and calming sniffing. Over time, she'd movearound, lick my forehead and drift in and out of sleep. Finally, shewould stretch out COMPLETELY content on her belly. If we weren't bondthat way, she was hopping around my basement, sitting on the floorletting her jump on me.. and, or course, the ENDLESSbinkies![/align]
[align=left]But, as all things do, she grew up.She began to get terratorial, she didn't like being handled, she wasconstantly grunting and being grump. And... the binkies became a veryrare sight. Now, she is a pretty young woman, who has quite theattitude... Fortunatly, I know that she is not spayed, so I'm holdingonto hope that once spays, that sweet little baby will return tome.[/align]
[align=center]Chillin' in the sun![/align]
[align=center]Grazing, when you could see the grass, darn winter :X[/align]
[align=center]Rosie sitting in my dog's dinner,and drinking his water! It was the funniest thing I've everseen[/align]
[align=center]Awwwwwww! :heart:[/align]
[align=left]Peace, more to come :bunnybutt:[/align]
ohhhh, she is soooo cute! my maomaochiu went through the same color change and temper change too,

and yeah, the little zip zip did it..:D
Thanks guys, she has to be the cutest pet I'veever owned (except Jack.. she is tied with him)! Ok, I've only ever hada hamster... but she was the best darn hamster ever :bawl::rip:

So I went out today (and had a fantastic time!) and came home with: newbunny food, a computer game :)and (this is the best part)materials to make Rosie a bigger, better abode! I'm so excited. Rightwhen we got home my brother and I got working. We made this awsomeone.. but turns out that it wasn't in a good place. We tried to moveit.. but :(it fell apart. So we redid it (making it muchstronger + better) and it is awsome. I can't stop sitting beside it andwatching Rosie, she just looks... so happy!:bunnyheartI loveit when she's happy :D

She was in a REALLY good mood today, which is awsome. And in a few day-week or so, she's off to the vet!

We are going out again on Friday when my mom gets her paycheck andbuying toys, bunny nail clippers, a brush for her (as I have lostmine.. and it was really cute, too) and lots and lots of other stuff tospoil my princess with!

My camera is broken :pssd:, so I can't bring you pictures of her wonderful new home, but I'll steal one from a friend ASAP!


Rosie is gorgeous:heart:

Can't wait to see more pics of her!!! Hopefully spaying her will bring back the sweet bunny she used to be :) I'm sure it will!!

Thanks you! Yes, she is loved muchly!

Still no CAMERA!! :cry4:however, awsome news, Rosie might begetting a friend soon! So please, drop me a line if you know of anybreeders in the Ottawa, Ontario area

EDIT: wow! Rosie is molting like CRAZY, there is hair EVERYWHERE! Andeverytime I look at her, she has fur coming from her mouth, so it lookslike she has a beard/moustache :rofl:silly girl :hug2:


-clears throat- Breeders in Ottawa, or,Rescues.. forgot those :D... anything really, just asmallbreed (preferably male...wuld be really nice if he was neutured *lol*)bunny looking for a home..:)

EDIT: Might as well show an old picture of her. This was take a monthago... she likes that hat. :DIt came off a Heidi doll mygrandma got for me Switzerland... yep, Rosie rolls in european style.

How did I miss this? She is ADORABLE!! I love her coloring, she is just perfect.

As for getting her a friend, it might be good to have her spayed firstif you plan on doing it. It not only helps with behavior (and littertraining) but female bunnies have about a very high chance ofdeveloping uterine cancer if unspayed. Plus it would make bonding witha male so much easier. Once she is spayed, you could get a neuteredmale from a rescue..a lot of places will even let you bring your bunnyin to meet potential mates!

She is just wonderful though, I can tell she is very loved. What a lucky bunny :)
Little bit of updates: Rosie is feeling a bitunder the weather. Her urine has become foul smelling and haddrastically changed color (I know this can be normal), it is also verycloudy. She hasn't really been eating much, nor drinking. She's hasbeen acting strange, certainly not herself. She ditched her litterhabits, and there might be a reason why. Possible urinary tractinfection? I dunno. :saddened

On a brighter note, I've pretty much got the go-ahead from my mom toget Rosie a little boy friend. Lately she's been grooming her stuffedanimals to death, so hopefully such a cute sight will one day be Rosieand another LIVING thing. I've found a listing for baby bunniesfor sale, listed as mixed hotots, they are ADORABLE! They are a monthold now, and I think they might live close to me. Of course, in theend, I probably won't end up getting one :tears2:, unfortunatly buttrue fact. My mom pretty much just wants to buy from a pet store again(ewwww, no...) or the Ottawa Humane Society, and, though the buns arecute there, the two english lops will (*I think*) get too big, and momthinks the mini rex is "funny looking" :foreheadsmack:

I hope my baby isn't too sick, because its breaking my heart the thinkabout it. I'm sure she'll be fine, but my mom is one of those peoplewho you tell them "my bunny isn't eating or drinking, and has a peethat made me gag when I was cleaning it up" she'd just laugh and say"she'll be fine".. she doesn't get it sometimes...

- Thank you, Haley. I was definitly gonna get her fixed before theymet! And him, too (if he wasn't already altered)! Luckily, I have alittle over $70 to put into neuturing him (at the local vet's officespays=$200, the reason why Rosie isn't already spayed :?, andneuters=$100)

- f_j, thanks. Hehe, BTW, if anyone could identify what color she is, I'd give you one of these >>:kiss:, thanks


mira wrote:

- Thank you, Haley. I was definitly gonna get her fixed before theymet! And him, too (if he wasn't already altered)! Luckily, I have alittle over $70 to put into neuturing him (at the local vet's officespays=$200, the reason why Rosie isn't already spayed :?, andneuters=$100)

Thats expensive! Did you try calling around to see if theres anyrabbit-savvy vets who will do it for less? Or, is there a house rabbitsociety or rabbit rescue near you you could call and see who they usefor spays and how much?

It is? I payed $199 for Teresa's spay. It is thecheapest I found that wasn't 5hours away. One way! Plus that was only$30 cheaper. Connor's neuter was $123
Yep! I really don't think there is a HouseRabbit society or rescue too near us. I've checked around, and themorerabbit-savvy they get round here, the higher the price.I've just found outfro my mom that "she didn't sayneuters were $100" (which she did!) "they are only $20 less that spays"($180!!) I'll keep looking around, but the prospects for the pricegoing toomuch lower are bleek... :(

Im lucky I guess. Spays were about $100.00around here, but I had mine done through the rabbit rescue where Ivolunteer so it was only $40.00! My neuters through my local vet were$60.00.

No wonder there are such problems with rabbit overpopulation when thesevets are charging such high prices for spays and neuters!

Yep :XMy mom and I called around today. The lowest price wecould find (so far) for neuter was $135 (my mom lied to me:(the neuters in the clinic in town are actually $160)however, THAT clinic will not neuter/spay a bunny without a vetchecking it up (and while I REALLY know its the right thing to do, andI really want to get blood work done, my mom is not willing to pay forit). So yeah, the lowest in my area is $160 for neuter, and $200 forspaying.
:X:X:XWhen my mym called this clinic she asked if "in thevet's opionion, was is nessecary to have a rabbit spayed, because ourrabbit is very aggressive... will spaying reduce the agression?" youknow what the womanm said? She FLAT OUT said "no, I think that theagression will always be with your rabbit.." WTF!:mad:EVERYTHING I'VE READ DOING RESEARCH COMPLETELYCONTRADICTS WHAT SHE SAID! So, someone with a good head on theirshoulders, tell me, will altering a rabbit reduce aggression (and byaggressive, my mom should have said "territorial")?

It has been made official. I am getting another rabbit, I mightpossibly have one by this time tomorrow.:loveThey are mixedhotots, the mother is pure hotot, and she is beautiful. However, thelitter was accidental but... cute accidents! Here is a picture of thelitter, the boy I am getting is one of the brown ones... (-looks sad-they are cute and all, but I really had my heart set on that brokenblack one in between the brown and lighter colored baby... oh well...:?)

You know, blood work is recommended, but I knowa lot of shelters dont do it. The one where I volunteer doesnt do it ontheir girls and they never have any problems. None of mine had it doneand all were fine.

Those babies are adorable! Just be very careful not to let your new onearound Rosie if it is a boy. Boys have been known to impregnate a doeas early as 8 weeks!

Keep us posted!
Well, sorry I haven't posted, I've been busy.. school :X

It turn out that 1) the babies (at 4 weeks) are far too young toleave mama, and 2) I'm not sure I trust getting a baby fromthese people. So, I went searching again.; The humane society had nonethat were suitable (plus, they are all female, and I want a buck). So,yesterday, I stumbled upon an american fuzzy lop and lionhead breeder.I researched these breeds, loved them both!

I decided to get my mom to call her (in regards to the fuzzy lops, Ilove lionheads.. maybe in the future I'll get one, but not this time).She is very knowledgable (sp), she really knows her stuff! And shepointed me to a friend (she's a vet) that neuters for $40!!!!:shock::D:):bunnydance:

They are 7 weeks now! The males in her litter are both brokenwhite/light brown! Cuties! I'm going to see them on monday, andbringing him home thursday/friday! I'm so excited!


Rosie went ouside yesterday and again today! It's so nice (I lovecanadian springs.. sometimes). She could only play on the deck, but itwas binky galore! She loves it outside!

BTW: We bought Rosie another kind of food, and now she's eating fine! I dunno what her problem was, but, she's ok now!

I went to see that babies! OMG OMG! They are the cutest things I haveever seen. Tiny, fuzzy and gorgeous. The breeder is SO great! And theAmerican Fuzzy Lops!! Oh my gawd!!!:pullhair:The breed isAMAZING!

So she gave my mom and I each a baby and then she told us "there wasonly one boy left unspoken for".... :nerves1So I'm prayingthat it's not the solid colored one (it was cute, but I wanted a brokenbaby). Nope, she's a girl and already spoken for. So its down to thebroken one in my mom's arms, and the broken one I'm holding. And,though I've only been holding it for less than two minutes, I'm in love:love. So I'm praying that its the one I'm holding (it was a littlebigger than the one my mom was holding.. but still, it had more colorand was just... :hug2:) Any way, she checks their ears (because shemarked the sex down) and.....



IT WAS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He is a broken tort. He is SO tiny (a big litter) And, he has agorgeous face. Anyway, yes!!!!!!! We are picking him up on sunday(this week was TORTURE!):bangheadHe is pedigreed andpurebred bundle of awsomeness. I had a few names chosen, but in theend, I decided on Pippin, yes, he is Pippin the Hobit-bun! I'mnot sure yet, but I suggested having Pip tatooed into his ear... I hopethey put that, because that it cute!

Oh, and it was my B-Day on the 24th :balloons:


Oh, and we aren't sure, but we are thinking of breeding Rosie. Now, Iknow that alot of you will think "irresponsable backward breeder!" butI've done ALOT of research and my breeder has offered toletme sit in and watch afew of her rabbits breed and she had reassured methat if Rosie decides she doesn't want to be a mom, is doesn't do avery good job, she has a few proven does to foster the babies. I haveroom, time and money (not like I'm gonna start a huge breedingproject... maybe sometime, but not now). Anyway... I'm still thinking,but my mom is really into the idea too...


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