I think I'm going to section suki off and if she doesn't improve on behaviour I'm going to sell her. She has always been a nasty B!TCH. Sukura will make a wonderful mother, she is so friendly.
Paul, I can't believe you think that way, she has done nothing wrong! She is a first time mother and you left her in a noisy place and with the buck. You can't be sure Suki will be a good mother either, she could also act on instinct too. People have already told you this and your still angry at poor Suki, you had 300 euro and wouldn't
spend it on a hutch for her before this happened, you knew Suki could be expecting kits and didn't plan ahead. To be honest, what I'm seeing now is telling me rabbits are not the animal for you, you don't really seem to care about them, just trying to get them to have kits, you know there is no money to be made in this right?
If you can't deal with it I will personally come and pick up Suki, I'll buy her from you because right now I feel very sorry for her.