Baby "Penny Pigs"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Pasadena, California, USA
So my roommate John has two guinea pigs. They're just guinea pigs, you know, no one really sees them except for him. Well today his niece was over and she wanted to hold the "penny pigs" sohe gets them out and notice the smaller one looks funny. He brings her to me and I'm like... "That's a pregnant penny if I've ever seen one" and sure enough the other one is a boy. He didn't know what sexes they were, he was told they were girls.

So now we're going to have baby penny pigs.

Sucks because there are SO MANY GPs in this area that are in the shelters or on CL both. :( We had a talk and he decided that he was going to keep all of the babies she has, and hopefully she has at least one boy and one girl so that daddy pig (Who up until now has been called Barbara Jean!) can have a cagemate and so canmama pig.

Oy penny pigs.
LOL we call them ginky and/or pinky pigs cause my daughter said it that way as a young child.

awww baby ginky pigs are SO cute!
I feel like I have to monitor all the animals from now on. Guinea pigs are realllly easy to sex, but he just didn't check and took someone else's word for it. Meh. At least he's learned his lesson and he's pretty beat up about it. He keeps randomly going "My guinea pig is pregnant..." in a sad voice. I'm not trying to make him feel bad about it, as long as he now knows and he's doing the right thing and keeping them all.
Wow, Cait, the pets in your house sure get visited by the gender fairy a lot :D When do you think the babies will come? I want to see baby pennies. I have a fascination with them. If we had more space and fewer bunnies (not that I would ever want to part with any of mine), I would love to have a pair of piggies.
LMAO At least penny pigs are easy to sex! Unlike the mysterious bunny. Well until they have goolies, then you know! LOL

I'm not sure, but we figure it's sometime soon as she's showing and she's decently large. There's at least two in there that I can feel, and I'm not sure she'd have any more than that just because she such a small piggy, but I could possibly am always wrong haha.

And there will definitely be pictures. Or as guinea pig people say... PIGtures. :p
Heehee, pigtures!! Love it! My favorite phrase "congrabbits" instead of "congrats" has never really caught on, unfortunately...
Aww how cute! Could he get the males neuteured? I petsit a group of five bonded piggies, one neuteured male and four females, sadly one recently died but they all got along great.
irishbunny wrote:
Aww how cute! Could he get the males neuteured? I petsit a group of five bonded piggies, one neuteured male and four females, sadly one recently died but they all got along great.
I remember when you had them and they were happy little piggies!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
Aww how cute! Could he get the males neuteured? I petsit a group of five bonded piggies, one neuteured male and four females, sadly one recently died but they all got along great.
I remember when you had them and they were happy little piggies!
Yeah they are, I had them just last week aswell, well the four of them.
cait make sure to seperate mom and dad now, because piggies can get impregnated immediately upon birth , so if you dont want a piggy back breeding (which is bad for mom) then i would seperate them now. Also i believe that you have to seperate mom and sons by the age of three weeks,other wise one of the sons is going to impregnante mom. You can nueter boy piggies,of course you would have to go to a piggie savy vet,but it would probably be better to just keep the boys together and the females together, and never let them meet. Also be careful because if the males know there is a female and no one is nuetered, i have heard of some very determined piggies getting out of cages for a "date" lol
They are in seperate cages. :D As soon as we realized what on earth was going on we seperated them. He got to keep their C&C cage and she had to move to a large tub, at least until the babies are here.

We think she might have three in there, but of course we are not experts by any means.

I think it would be great if he could get the boys neutered! It would kind of work out if she had all girls, then we could get dad neutered and they could all live happily together.

LMAO Shiloh, in the rat world we say congRATS! :p Haha! I think congrabbits is very catchy too.

I'm going to get a few pictures of mom and dad and post them up for you guys.
Penny pigs!

Mama pig



You can kind of see her belly but not really.

And daddy pig
Aww! So sweet!

We had the same piggy 'oops' probably 14 years ago when I was just little.. all of the sudden my brother came upstairs saying "The guinea pig had babies".. LOL! Sure enough, Mr. Snoopy snooped a bit too much! :D. I was too young to remember them too much. We kept most of the babies.
The good thing is, guinea pigs don't really have oodles of babies, like rats or mice or dogs, even. So keeping all of them is something that is totally possible and doable. I think the average is 2-4?

John was home for lunch and he goes "Everything's pregant/having babies here! Who's next??" then he looks pointedly at Alexis and just shakes his head. "Oh Alexis. Poor poor Alexis." It was funny. :p
Aww, I love baby pigs too! We must have pigtures :)

One of mysows got pregnant (by accident) and I couldn't bear to have to give up any of the babies.She had a total of three (which were all boys, lucky for me as it made it easier to keep them) who I got to watch being born. It's so cool how they come out with hair and eyes open and all.

Aww they are adorable. You can call Daddy B.J. I've had GP's and often think about getting one again but I take care of a few so I get my fix that way. One time I was taking care of 4 all in separate cages and the first day I was there I saw something in Coco's cage. I lifted the house up thinking I saw a mouse and there were 4 babies!! They never told me she was pregnant and expect to care for babies. They were all very cute and Coco was a great mom.

Aaah baby piggies. We call our fellow, Rusty the Penny Gig. And that's not even because of the kids, we are just sad:)

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