Hey guys! Long time no see! On Friday my little buns with be 8 weeks old (or two months) and man are they energetic! I don't remember if I listed they're sexes before, but if I did I would have said I have 2 males and 3 females. Well I was wrong. I have 3 males and 2 females, but that's ok. The two grey/blue ones are still male, and so it the white one with the spots. The white one with barely any spots and the black one are both girls. They all have little attitudes now and it's adorable to see how independent they are. They grey ones (Hikaru and Kaoru) are like twins, always joined at the him and always getting in trouble (I often find them under their litter box). The white spotted one (Tenshi) is still the largest and is pretty docile. I often find him leaning against the little white one with almost no spots (Aibou). When Aibou was little I thought she was a little angel, but she's really a little devil XD. Any chance she can get to get out of the cage she will, and she'll rush over to her daddies cage across the room. She's been ending up in her daddies cage since week 3, but he doesn't seem to mind (although I sometimes see him nosing her out of the way) so no harm no fowl. Lastly little girl Yami (the black one) is sooo sweet! She's very shy, and is a real mommy's girl. If I reach my hand into the cage she'll squish herself under her less than pleased mom for a few seconds before coming out and climbing in my hand. I can't believe I'll have to give them away soon, but I can't take care of all these bunnies, so I guess it's for the best. Here's pictures!





Ps. Sorry some of them look a little orange, when I let them out in they're playpen one of then put their orange roller toy into the water and another one spilled it and then of course they all lay down in it 😅 it should be gone soon





Ps. Sorry some of them look a little orange, when I let them out in they're playpen one of then put their orange roller toy into the water and another one spilled it and then of course they all lay down in it 😅 it should be gone soon