baby has red swolen rectum

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2009
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, Virginia, USA
One of our baby buns (5 weeks old)has a red swolen rectum, while it is not getting any worse its not getting better either.

She seems to be pooping normally, since most of the time when I check her there is a bunny ball stuck to it.

I'm trying to keep her clean and dry. Ive seen it before onothers but it cleared up quicker.

Do you think it could be a food allergy??

Here is a pic of her poor little bum:(


There can be a number of causes including parasites such as coccidiosis, bacterial infectionor intestinal disorders. It can also be due to a congenital weakness of the tissues surrounding the rectum or may be due to the diet.

In some cases, a little hemorrhoid medication can reduce the swelling of tissue. Inmore seriouscases, surgery may be required. The condition spontaneously reverses in some cases.

Thanks for responding so quickly!!

I'll try a little hemmy cream

It just looks like it hurts so bad :( she was a trooper though, licked my hand the whole time I was drying her off after a booty bath..
So how do you tell the difference between a prolapsed rectum and other swelling in the genital area? The syphilis swelling in my foster babies looked similar but not nearly as red.

A warm, wet compress for a few minutes, a few times a day, might also help with the discomfort.

Poor little babe.:(
In the few cases I've seen, there is no pussy or thick discharge and no scabbing, pimples or lesions.

Which is exactly how mine were. Swelling with no lesions, scabbing, etc. But it did confound my vet a bit too, and at first we both thought it was cystitis possibly caused by a blockage at the sphincter that was there when the first one became ill.

I just wanted to throw that possibility out there. With that deep shade of red, prolapsed rectum is probably more likely.
Yes, that last pic was red and looks a bit prolapsed like the pic the member posted, but it also has some crusty lesions, which I don't think are present in the member's picture. I guess if it doesn't reverse itself in a few days with hemorrhoid cream, or develops crusty lesions, it may be time to go to the vet.

I know prolapsed recta are common in syrian hamsters with diarrhea due to attempting to pass mushy stools, but the baby's owner said she was pooing normally. I think with her age I would first guess cecal flora imbalance from bacterial or parasite infection, leading to runny stools, leading to prolapse. Then I would guess virgin syphillis. At this point, we can't tell which it is from the picture. The best thing to do right now is apply the cream and check it daily for any changes. If this doesn't improve it after a few days, time to vet.

One other thing to make sure of: are we sure hemorrhoid cream doesn't contain anything that may be toxic if ingested by bunnies?
Ok it appears preparation H is mostly oils and has phenylephrine in it as well. The side effect of phenylephrine OD would be hypertension. The lethal dose is somewhere around 500micrograms per kg. The concentration in the hemorrhoid cream is 0.25%. If my calculations are right, that means you'd have to give 0.2mL per kg of body weight to be problematic. Therefore, don't smear it on too thick.
Wowzers!! you were not kidding about those pics!not something to drink your coffee to in the morning LOL

No crust for sure..

Iwent out last night and got some H.cream and dabbed a little little biton, this morning it doesnt look as red to me, wishful thinking???

I'll give it a couple of days and see how she does..

I just want to say THANK YOU for all your help!!!!!

Yall are amazing!!
angieluv wrote:
I was looking up pics of syphllis for another thread and came across the last picture here which resembled what was posted here


If you'll look closely, the last photo actually shows lesions on the genitals and the color of the tissue is lighter in the syphillis photo.

naturestee wrote:
I just wanted to throw that possibility out there. With that deep shade of red, prolapsed rectum is probably more likely.

In the early cases I've seen, the genitals weren't as red as the prolapses either, but certainly something to look into.

Thanks for asking :)

Its looking a littlebetter to me, not as swollen. like the center is pulling back in...

I'm putting neosporin on it now..

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