Baby food?

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
I have been YouTubing some videos of rabbits & I saw one rabbit eating baby food! Have you ever fed your rabbit baby food? Is this a good idea? Looking for things to feed my bun :pinkbouce:
My vet once told me to give baby food when my rabbit stopped eating. I now have a different vet and she gives me critical care to give, which I think it better. I have never given it as a treat or anything.
I have also used baby food many years ago at a vet's advice for a bun in stasis.

The only advantage it has is that it is easier to syringe than CC. I also believe that CC is better butI would use baby food as an alternative food source (veggie flavors) and pumpkin ifI had trouble feeding CC to a sick bun.
Okay, thanks! I was just wondering because vegetables seem to go bad quickly & what not. I think I will just stick to vegetables!
dolly87 wrote:
Okay, thanks! I was just wondering because vegetables seem to go bad quickly & what not. I think I will just stick to vegetables!
I am not sure if you have tried those green bags, but I think they really help veggies stay good longer.
angieluv wrote:
I have also used baby food many years ago at a vet's advice for a bun in stasis.

The only advantage it has is that it is easier to syringe than CC. I also believe that CC is better butI would use baby food as an alternative food source (veggie flavors) and pumpkin ifI had trouble feeding CC to a sick bun.
What "flavored" baby food do you get? Baci refuse to take any canned pumpkin when he gets sick. We do have CC at home but figure I'll keep a couplejar of baby food in the house "just in case." I've looked at all the sugar count and it seems pretty high.

I keep a couple jars of baby food around, in case of sickness. (I wouldn't give it, normally, just if I have to syringe something if they're not eating normally. I mix it with pellet mush, or thin it with water.) I keep "squash" flavor.

I have recently gotten my bunnies to eat canned pumpkin on their own (given as a treat to get them used to it), so I will probably not buy the baby food any more. I think the plain canned pumpkin is better.
