Baby bunny in the shelter-beautiful, healthy

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YAY!!! Happy to hear that you're bringing one of those cuties home!! How exciting!! When do you get to bring her home?

Names...hmm...what about Brownie? (If I ever have a brown bunny, I swear her name will be Brownie! It's always the first name I think of when I see a brown bun.)

What a cutie!!!!
um...I use aspen shavings...I heard Carefree really helps with dad for my bday alao got me a Bi-odor control, that you put in their water...any luck with those?
Hmm...I've read somewhere that shavings are bad for bunnies and can give them upper respiratory infections. If you read the special note on the following link, you'll see what I mean:

Do you possibly have a tack and feed place near you? If so, you can go in and ask them for "wood pellet horse stall bedding", and you'll get an excellent type of litter, for VERY inexpensive! It's wonderful...many people here on the site use it and love it (including me). I got my 30 litre bag for $6, as opposed to the 1lb bag of CareFresh I would get for the same price! Awesome stuff!

As far as the stuff your dad bought you, I've never used it...don't have much experience with that sort of thing. The only thing I've ever added to my buns' water is the vanilla extract, and it works GREAT! :)
*jumps up and down* I am bringing her home next Wednesday! She is so cute! I am thinking of naming her Annabelle, because at first we thought Darwin was a girl, and so thats the name we thought of, but then we found out he was in fact a boy...hence the name change. I love the name Annabelle for her though. She is so sweet...practically jumps in your arms!
AWW!!! What an absolute cutie! You can tell she's a lovey dovey by the way she's looking at the, "pet me!" So cute...:) And Anabelle is such a pretty name!!
She's very cute. She has that mischievous look. i love the name.

I can hardly wait to see tons of pictures of her.


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I can't believe it! THE LADY AT THE SHELTER GAVE ANNABELLE AWAY! I WAS SO EXCITED! I am practically crying. I emailed her, asking how Annsy was, and she was like, Omigosh, I was about to call you, it was accidentally adopted by another couple." All the other ones are just had to be Annsy didn't it? i am sorry it I sond like a complete loser, but she was (practically) MY bunny!!!!!!!
:what:shock2:Aww...Sweetie!! How AWEFUL!! How could she do that, when she knew you wanted her? How rude!:censored2 I'm so sorry...that's just aweful...
:angryrant :grumpy :pssd :boxing :nono

I wish there were something we could do...:(

I can at least send you HUGS!!! :hug2:hug1:group:heartbeat

Geez, that would send me going to a different shelter!
Aww! That's too bad :(. Did you reserve her? Made it clear you wanted to adopt her? Something must have gotten mixedup. I'm sure there's another bunny that's right for you :). I know it's heart breaking having your heart set ona bun, but there are lots of buns that would love to be adopted by you. Don't let this get you down :).

:hug1Hope you feel better. Hey, maybe destiny will bring you to a more special bunny that needs your love :).

You could ask the shelter lady to contact the people who took her & explain the situation. They just might be kind.
:(. You could try, but I don't think it's fair for the rabbit. Having adjusted to a new home and all the stress of being moved away from your familar situation, then being moved again. Also not fair for the couple because they probably have gotten attached to her.
Yeah, I agree with Spring...I think it would be too stressful for the bunny. Plus, I wouldn't think it fair for the people that've adopted her. It's not their fault the shelter gave away the bunny you had your heart set on, ya know?

Who knows...maybe she wasn't the bunny that was meant for you. I say go back and spend time with the other buns there, and you'll find the one that is meant for your home and heart. :) I know it's dissappointing, and it makes me mad, too, but Spring is right, ultimately there are lots of bunnies that need homes, I'm sure you can find another that is wonderful and ready for your love! :D
I was assuming the bun had not been in its new place very long. Either way it's a chance for another bun to find a home.

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