Baby and Momma bunny

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Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York, USA
My female rabbit, who is roughly 9months old had two litters of babies. After the second litter were born, we chose one to keep as a companion. The baby, Annie, is roughly 3 months old now. She is, for reasons unknown, still searching for nipples and trying to drink milk from momma bunny. There is no milk left in momma bunny, but Annie insists on trying. I can tell that it is beginning to irritate momma bunny, and she is beginning to show aggression when Annie bites at her nipples. How long will Annie keep searching? She is doing it when food is still in the cage, so i dont quite understand.
well i would seperate them until their spayed because they will start to fight after you seperate them even for a couple weeks.

im not sure on lentgh though, but i think most will tell you to spay the girls
The aggression only occurs from mother to daughter when daughter is trying to feed. Otherwise, there is none and they are cuddling and licking each other just like normal. Why would spaying help the baby to not search for a nipple?
when the baby hits maturity at about 5-7 months there will be fighting and hair pulling and real damage could be done. If you can't get them spayed them they need to stay seperated

spaying wouldnt stop the baby searching for the nipple...seperating them would. she hasnt realized that there is no milk and thinks there is still food and the doe is possibly still producing milk...
Any idea how long i should separate them to stop the nipple search? at the moment that is the concern, and I will cross the other bridge as it comes. I had two unspayed females before that never needed to be separated for aggression.
they dont fight when they're running around either, it is only when she is nipping at momma's underside for nipples. I will separate them in cages and let them run together as see how that works out.

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