Babies have color??

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babbitlover wrote:
even though they are just a day old??? the dads a mini rex,the mom is a holland lop

whats double lethal dwarf disease????!!!!!!! the two grays looks like twins, just different sizes
The double dwarf gene isn't a disease, it's when the baby inherits twodwarfing genes instead of one. It dies within a month because it can'tgrow. But don't panic yet, I've had babies that were MUCH smaller thantheir siblings and they survived just fine. Small babies can resultfrom several factors, not just the "peanut" syndrome (double dwarfgenes).

I asked the parents' breeds because only some breeds carry the dwarfinggene. Holland Lops do carry it, and I think mini-rex do also.

Pam, help, you explain this so much better! Please correct if I've made any mistakes!


If it was a peanut, you would be able to tell.The size difference would be dramatic. If they are not eating, insteadof having round, fat bellies they will be wrinkled. It is probably justa runt.

SLRabbits wrote:
All dwarf rabbits either carry one normal, one dwarf gene, or twonormal genes. Sometimes both parents will pass a dwarf gene to a baby,and you get what is called a "peanut". Peanuts are much smaller thanyour normal babies, and they normally survive no longer than a weekbecause they cannot digest milk.


Thanks Nicole, we typed at the same time!!:D
thank you soo much, i dont think..theres apeanut, lets hope, she keeps moving the babies to different nest spots,but she doesnt move them to nests, just little like craters lol, all 4babies are in the 'nest' but it doesnt look warm, should i dig a holedeeper, and push the sides up to make a better nest?? i think shesbeing a good mom, i think she moved it cause we have a towel drapedover half the cage, to keep them calm and prevent drafts, and thebabies were in the corner that wasnt covered, so she put them in the'nest' in the corner that was, did she moved them cause she thoughtthey were cold? should i be worried?
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to make the nest like the original, as long as she can still find them and they are warm enough.

They may be moving their own nest. I noticed that my babies wouldsquiggle around as a group, and the nest was in a different spot eachday.

I wouldn't handle the babies for too long a timewhen they are this little. I also wash my handsreally well with soap that isn't scented.

Our kits are 14 days old and we handle them once a day for 5-10minutes. We also handle and play with the mom everyday. She seems to enjoy the break.
I've always handled the kits from dayone...sometimes before they are even dried off and have never had aproblem. The only problem would be if the doe just isn'tmommy material...or if a kit is in the process of dying. Forsome reason, I always found the dying or the dead in a far corner ofthe nest box. I found that it wasn't necessary to wash handsgoing from nest box to next box while checking babies. Kitsare easy to foster should you need to do that. You just putthe kit in with the chosen doe. I used to mark the fosteredkit just to be able to keep a closer eye on it, or foster a white kitto a different colored doe, or a Lop kit to a California, or visaversa. Some of my does had really large litters, and if thereare not enough plates on the table, somebody could getgyped. Fostering didn't always have to be done right away,either...have done it as the kits get older.

But, you don't have multiple does and litters. You mentioned"moving" the nest around? You don't have a nestbox? A nest box keeps the litter together. I'venever kindled without one.

Most of the time, I've noticed that the color of the skin is what thecolor of the hair will be. Pink skin is usually whitehair.

Kits are sooo darn cute to watch grow! :))

- Dolores
we hadnt had time to make a nest box, we put abox over them, and cameron pushed it right out of the way, she likeseasy access i guess. they are protected on 3 sides by a towel drapedover the cage, and they all stay togethor except for the runtwhosomehow is always with her mom, trying to nurse(oractually nursing, not sure) and when momma leaves i place her back inthe nest.. so should i make the nest deeper without touching the nestsite, just digging it alittle deeper

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