Aww :(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
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Cayuga County, New York, USA
We were in a fast food place getting food lol. We were sitting at a table waiting for our food and I was checking up on this site real quick.. she saw it and called me a freak. I know she was joking but made me feel bad. She's 30 by the way. So I went on to explain how much you guys have helped me and how if I freak out about something Oliver or Daisy does I come here for help I can trust. She rolled her eyes. I also was showing her baby pics of Oliver and ones of him now and she just goes. 'He looks the same a rabbit is a rabbit.' So I don't know what the point of this post is but.. some people don't understand that a rabbit is NOT 'just a rabbit,' no they're my fur babies!!!! And also thanks for all the help everyone's given me on here! <3
I overheard someone at work yesterday making fun of me because I take my rabbits to the park in a stroller. It made me feel bad at first, but then I'm like- F them! I know it makes my kids very happy and it's a safe way for them to enjoy the outdoors. Plus I get extra exercise. I'm not hurting anyone so there's no down side.

People may not understand, but that's why you have us :hug:
Paige I know how you feel I don't even tell everyone about this site and I've come to know the friends who think I'm "weird" because I love Agnes so much and i wont talk about her to them. I've had people say "you got a rabbit? Um, why!?" with disgust in their voice. It does hurt my feelings too but then I just think like Larry that they are just close-minded and I go give Agnes a kiss and forget about them :)
I was at my moms house on Wednesday and my sister didnt go to work so she was there. I started talking about my buns with my mom and my sister was laughing after every freaking sentence. It was starting to anger me... I just ignored her. Later in the day she started talking her stupid computer talk and I just walked away. Me and my sister arent enemies.. but we're not the best of buds either.
Everyone at my job calls me "The crazy rabbit lady" I will refrain using nasty words here, but they can shove it!
Was she also on the internet? If so, she had no right to complain. If not, it might have been mostly a general complaint about ignoring her.
MyBabyHasPaws wrote:
Everyone at my job calls me "The crazy rabbit lady"

:yeahthat: But, I take the name and wear it proudly :biggrin: (Not to mention that I work with animals, so they all like animals too, the name is more in fun there..)

Yeah, everyone I know pretty much I think considers me crazy with my love of bunnies, but hey, they're just encourageing it-after all, if people are going to be rude about it, that just makes me love my bunnies/spending time with them all the more. Sometimes its offensive how people are, but I find if I ignore it and act proud of my buns, they realize they won't get to me that way, stop treating mebad-.
I know how you feel. All through high school, middle school and now college people called me the crazy animal girl. I had practically no friends except my animals. It can be hard at times, but you just have to deal with it. I think that animals make better friends anyways.
I used to look sideways at the lady at the park with her rabbit on a leash, letting it have outside time. That was before I had a rabbit and understood them.

Now I'm that lady at the park with her rabbit on a leash. :)

A lot of people think I'm crazy because my love for my animals and the amount and kinds of animals I have. My friends think I'm nuts because I love my chickens so much, but then I joined a chicken forum and realized that I'm totally freaking normal.

We're the normal ones in the world, you have to worry about the people who don't care about animals.
(and I check RO on my phone too when I'm out!) :)
You should see how many looks I get when I tell them I perform with my rabbits! I mean, they look at me weird enough when I talk about how smart they are, how mine are litter trained, all know their names and even voice commands, but the agility really confirms what a "weirdo" I am.

Don't worry about what people think, if your rabbits bring you joy who are they to judge you?
My family pokes fun at me for it too ;) When they saw the bag I packed Stevie to bring to the vet with him while he was re-cooperating after his neuter, they said I was crazy haha. Oh well, I don't care. Everyone has their own quirks, I happen to love my pet :)
People are like that because they have not experienced the joy it is to take care of a rabbit. They're like little kids, each with a different personality, loving you endlessly. I wouldn't worry too much, they probably won't understand until they try it out, but once you do, you're hooked!
I love my sister I am not saying anything bad about her. She's the same way with her lizard so she has no room to talk. xD But I still love her to death so it's not like a hate post I was just like I am not a freak. >:eek: My mom understands though. I show her pictures of your guys buns and she is all Awwww. :p

I know she is on a Bearded Dragon forum to ask stuff. She just doesn't understand how I can love a bunny so much. She isn't into little furry animals. She likes big dogs and reptiles. Lol.

Also I am known as like the crazy animal lady because I have 30 animals or so. :x But half of that is cause my dad likes to rescue things too. We just love animals sooo much. :3
I'm known, in my circle of family and friends, as the Crazy Rabbit Lady. But it's said with love and friendship, not out of hate or anger or ridicule. I love my rabbits, and everyone that really knows me knows this. I'm proud to be a card carrying member of the Crazy Rabbit People club! :)
wendymac wrote:
I'm known, in my circle of family and friends, as the Crazy Rabbit Lady. But it's said with love and friendship, not out of hate or anger or ridicule. I love my rabbits, and everyone that really knows me knows this. :)

Same here :)
The way I see it is for some people, like myself, their animals are their children. If I have to listen to so and so go on and on and on and on about how their child is the cutest thing ever because it spit up, they can deal with me and my animals.

Hahah yeah I'm not that into other people's kids.
MiniLopHop wrote:
I overheard someone at work yesterday making fun of me because I take my rabbits to the park in a stroller. It made me feel bad at first, but then I'm like- F them! I know it makes my kids very happy and it's a safe way for them to enjoy the outdoors. Plus I get extra exercise. I'm not hurting anyone so there's no down side.

People may not understand, but that's why you have us :hug:
I guess I'm next to be laughed at because the stroller you kindly showed me just arrived in the mail today! I was so excited putting it together. Now I just to need to wait for the weather to cool (and my buns to finish bonding).

For me it will be a fun way to get some exercise (and I too don't give a rip what others think!!)

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