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mouse_chalk wrote:
DeniseJP wrote:
A friend of mine from high school married a doctor and he told her to eat chocolate when her period came on - apparently it has magnesium in it which helps the period symptoms, according to him. She said it helps her symptoms... her hubby could tell when she was going to start her cycle as he would say, "Have a chocolate shake."

What a prescription!:biggrin2:

See, I've actually read that chocolate specifically is good for that! That it helps mood swings, and even helps control pain a small amount. I'm not sure how true it is, but I'm going to cling to that thought! :D
Maybe thats why I've been feeling kinda okay? All that Easter egg chocolate I've been eating :whistling
Happi Bun wrote:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but when using tampons make sure to always take them out before bed and use a pad. Your body needs to be able to have time to let it all flow out. Wearing a tampon all day and night is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal.
This is not entirely 100% true.

They do say that for a few days of your period you should wear a pad to give your body some relief from tampons but I never do.

As for not wearing a tampon at night- that's not true.

I'm sure you all know about TSS (toxic shock syndrome). It's a very rare case, but can happen if a tampon is left in too long. You can leave a tampon in maximum of 8 hours. Normally people do not sleep that long- say go to bed at 11 o clock, get up at 6.30 for school, that is only 7 and a half hours. So if u put a fresh one in before bed and immediately change it when you get up, that is not dangerous.
Some people go to bed at midnight, and get up at 5.

Obviously if someone goes to bed at 9 o clock and gets up at 9 o clock then that is not good!

However- best to be fully aware, becuase, as you say, TSS can be fatal. But if you don't like wearing pads to bed (I certainly don't because it means I have to shower when I get up, even if I'm late) then wearing a tampon to bed should be fine as long as you don't sleep more than 8 hours, and you change it immediately before you go to bed and when you wake up.
Why doesn't she allow you? Surely it's not her choice? I understand there is a slight risk of TSS, but it is so so slim, otherwise tampons wouldn't be sold and purchased so rapidly by women all over the world.

I couldn't live without them lol.
I wear a tampon thourghout my period and throughout the night. And I'm not dead yet!

I remember when I told girls at school that and they all went crazy saying I was going to "catch: TSS. I think that the idea of TSS and tampons has been so instilled into people they think that is you wear a tampon for any longer than 8 hours you will instantly die on the spot. Its just not true! You just have to be careful. Make sure your tampon is the lat thing you put in before bed and the first thing you do in the morning.
True that ^. I'm totally the same.

To be quite honest, TSS will probably only be likely to occur if you actually 'forget' you are wearing a tampon, and leave it in for 3 days or something.
You've just got to be sensible about it.
mouse_chalk wrote:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
As for y'all looking for birth control options, I've just finished my 8th full year on depo-provera (the shot). Fantastic stuff. Some minor concern about osteoperosis.... as it runs in my family, I thought that 8 years was long enough.
Really great drug though. No mood issues, weight issues or anything.
It was the depo that caused me to balloon! I guess it works different for everyone.

I had the Mirena for 5 yrs- had it out last September. Not one single period, no mood swings and no bloating! Pure bliss! I did gain more weight though but I'm not sure if it's down to that or due to the fact all my health issues came along and I couldn't exercise properly anymore. I didn't start gaining weight until after I'd had the Mirena for about 18 months or so anyway.
Thanks for telling me that, Jen! I've been kind of worried about switching over... Hopefully I have your good luck with the Mirena.
The doctors here have some sort of rigamarole about only giving it to women who are married or have already had kids.
"Trust me doc, there's a reason I want this coil! NO babies = Happy me!"
Ha ha, who would have known Becca!:DYou know what girls are like though, we tell each other everything - in all its embarrassing glory!

While we are on this kind of subject, have any other teens had their hpv jabs yet? I am the last year to have it on the NHS (year 13) as they are doing a catch-up programme with older girls,so I am just waiting for my third jab in August to finish the course. My mum had a whole fight with our GP trying to get me to have the Gardasilvaccine (as it protects against 2 more viruses),but I ended up having Ceravix (the one on the NHS). However, I heard the other day that there have been some reallybad effects associated with the gardasil one, so I'm kind of glad I didn't get that one!
Yep I have :). Same as you- due to have my last one in August.

We are the last year to have it on the NHS? Oh yes :)

Yes I heard some bad things about the other vaccine, but I am not totally sure how true that is? But I have the same one as you- the Ceravix.
Yeah we are the last year - so pretty lucky for us! They started the programme this year in the UK, and they are doing a catch-up programme up to 17-18 year olds, so basically as of this year every girl younger than us will get the vaccine. I've heard of some older girls requesting it and still getting it, but some have to pay for it due to their age.

How did you react to it? I found the first actual injection fine (I honestly didn't even feel it!) but it ached so much afterwards. I couldn't raise my arm at all! The second injection hurt more, but the after pain was much less. Although I did get a horrible localised reaction for the second one! So I'm hoping third time is lucky and I get no after effects at all.;)

Yeah, I've heard rumours of Hodgkin's Lymphoma (sp?) being linked to the Gardasil, as well as a few deaths, but it's all speculation really.
Oh dear poor you!

Yeah the first one didn't hurt at all for me, but I couldn't move my arm for the next few days lol. The actual second injection hurt, but my arm didn't ache as much afterwards.

I haven't had any side effects- lucky me :D, although I won't speak too soon as I stil need another one!

Dunno bout u but I would def pay for the vaccine if i had to- anything to reduce ur risk eh?
I've had the gardasil, mine was fine. I learnt when I had the men b jab to move, move, move your arm and your sweet doesn't hurt at all. Only thing with mine was it bruised quite a bit.
Ouchy...bruising. Mine didn't bruise- it just felt like I had pumped some iron at the gym the day before!!! :D
I had the gardasil series and finished up about a year ago. I'd heard that they hurt from some other girls and wow, they did- definitely more than other vaccines I had, but obviously less painful than getting HPV or cervical cancer.
I haven't had the shot. I might but still not sure.
Some of my friends have only gotten two because it hurts so much. I am not good with needles and shots, I have only not cried once, and even then I almost did and it barely hurt.

Plus I have heard the shot isn't very good, like you can get really sick and have bad side effects. It is basically being tested right now, and everyone who gets it is just the guinea pigs. I am not getting it unless I am sure it is 100% safe.

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