Avian Influenza

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m.e. wrote:
Believe me, I know. I avoid mass media at all costs :baghead

The truly scary information I am getting comes from scientific reportsand studies, and for the most part I would saythatresearchers, biologists, and the like,aren'tout to unnecessarily frighten people. If they are, they're in the wrongline of work, because very few people ('cept us science geeks) take thetime to pore over their reports in scientific journals.

I am SO not a science geek... but I am 'Mass Media' in a Borg
kindaway, and we only report what the science geekstellus! Don't shoot the messenger!



Well, I'll put it this way, SAS. I don't think that massmedialies (usually ;)), they just offer a very small window on thetruth - sound bites of facts.

To gain a fuller understanding of the truth, one must look beyond"mass" media to other forms (scientific journals, for instance). Takingyour information from one source (the news) is like learning historyfrom a textbook: all the highlights, not a lot of the substance.

Not that it doesn't have it's place, of course. Asoundbiteof truthis better than nothing at all, right?It's just that there is so much more outthere,andI would prefer to get morethanthe mere tastethat mass media offers.

Of course,I'm a total NPR junkie :lookaround, so I'm not completely immune.

I just heard on the news at seven this morning that it has been reported in a goose in a backyard flock in Canada :?.

As soon as it the first case is reported in the US i'm going to shut my flock inside and kick out all the wild birds nesting in our barn (i got yelled at this morning by my father for suggesting such a thing...but idc if it sounds rediculous, i'm doing it!)

Yikes, I hadn't heard that :?