Well, with my rabbit Harper, he goes through two5 pound bags of food a month, at $9 a bag, so that's $18. He doesn'tuse bedding, he's litter pan trained, and a 10 pound bag of litterlasts for months, and only costs $5. His hay costs about $15 a month,and his vegetables costs about $30 a month. None of this includes hisnecessities, like cage, food bowl, water bottle, toys (lots and lots oftoys), ect. However, on average, he costs me anywhere from $40-$60 amonth. That's just the monthly neccesities, and doesn't include thefact that I buy him about 3 new toys a week, and other misc. stuff forhis cage LOL.
However, definitely remember to make sure you have plenty of extramoney in case of a bunny emergency. I've had Harper for 2 years andnever had an emergency until he got sick with ablockage lastweek. I was in a panic when my vet was closed the night he got sick,and I never felt so helpless than I did that night when I couldn'tafford the emergency vet. Thank goodness his vet opened the nextmorning, and in the end, I've spend nearly $400 on his surgery andafter-care costs (and it took me selling all my college textbooksearlyand maxing out credit cards just to pay for it). Sodefinitely keep that in mind! I'm now putting money away for the"Harper Emergency Fund" in case he ever gets sick again.