Author seeking "cross-species friendship" stories for book

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Jan 24, 2006
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Hello Everyone,

My name is Susan Kauffmann, and I am a writer who is currently puttingtogether a book on cross-species friendships -- animals who have formedfriendships with animals of other species -- for a book that willfeature the photography of famed British photographer John Drysdale( wrote an article on this subject for Modern Dog magazine that can beread at

I am currently looking for cross-species friendship stories that arefunny, heart-warming, strange, etcetera. I will look atstories including dogs, but am particularly hoping to find non-caninestories (horse and cat, for example). If you have across-species friendship story, please contact me and briefly tell meabout your animals. My email address is:[email protected]

I cannot guarantee that your stories will be included in the book, butI will contact and interview you if there is potential for that tohappen. If you have exceptionally good photographs of youranimals, there may be a possibility of including them, but thepublisher will determine that (currently in negotiations).

Please note that there will be no monetary payment for the use of yourstory, but if your story is used, I will make sure you get at least onefree copy of the book.

I would be most appreciative if you would cross-post this message toany other animal forums you participate in. I thank you foryour help.

Very best,
Susan Kauffmann

This has been well publicized over the last few days, but it certainly is one of the most unusual cross-species friendships!

This story is out of Tokyo, the hamster's name isGohan, whichmeans 'meal' (the original idea). He's a 3.5-inch dwarfhamster,andhe's buddied up withafour-foot rat snake namedAochan. They sleeptogether in a box in the pen. Gohan willeven climbon Aochan andtake a nap on his back.

Aochan has taken toeating frozen food since meeting Gohan.

SAS :rollseyes:and PIPP :shock:
i heard about a turtle and a hippo in a zoo somewhere too.

and here is my bunny Rue and my brothers turtle. Not best friends, but not enemies.
Well, lets see...

There was Inga, who became surrogate mom to TJ the kitten. Inga came tous as a badly abused and terrified dog, named after the animal controlofficer that found her running the streets. When TJ, the runt of hislitter, came to live with us, Inga immediately bonded to him. We have afew pics of them snuggling together.

Inga also became best friends with Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the rescued ferret.

Later on, there was Dr. Pepper and Rex Harrison. The former being a75-pound Dalmatian, and the latter being our 5-pound Mini Rex rabbit,who Pepper would groom and snuggle. They became so close that atmealtimes, Rex wouldn't touch his food until Pepper had started eating.

Rex eventually found love with a bunny girlfriend,Peanut
, and Pepper found aforever home. The sameweek that Pepper left, I found a pregnant cat in a parking lot. Oneweek later, she delivered four beautiful kittens. The bunnies wereincredibly patient with the kittens. They not only tolerated beingpounced on and having their ears swatted at, they would initiate gamesof chase, and at the end of the day there would be a bunny/kittensnuggle pile. (Unfortunately, my computer crashed and I lost most ofthose photos :()

We've got a lot of cross-species love going on in this house :D
Hello m.e.

Sounds like you have lots of stories to tell! Could youplease email me directly at[email protected] so that Icancontact you for an interview? Many thanks.

Susan Kauffmann
Our cat Ranger had a good relationship with ourrabbit Bunny. The relationship was short because Bunny passedafter about 4 months, reason unknown.

One day my husband went out on to our patio and found our cat Rangerand Bunny sitting next to each other. Bunny was wet on theback of her neck which made it pretty obvious that Ranger carried herhome. She was approximately two months old. WhenBunny was in her cage Ranger would either play next to her cage and atnight he would sleep next to it.

When Bunny was out of her cage in the livingroom, Ranger would followher around acting protective of her. They got along verywell. After she passed I could tell that Ranger was sad andmissed her. He would spend a lot of time in the spot whereher cage had been.

Since then, we have adopted two new rabbits whom Ranger seems to like as well.