Well-Known Member
- RO needs people (a lot of people) to comb through old threads and correct a spacing error that is causing our search engine to fail.
- I will be activating the 'allow editing' permission feature for all VIPs and RO Friends so that they will be able to edit all threads. We trust you to help with a forum 'issue'.
- Because of line space error when the forum moved in the summer of 2007, most of the files prior to that time have a problem with words that run together. This happens roughly with the same frequency as line breaks, so every 10 or 15 words or so, two words will run together without a space. The search engine works by recognizing and indexing individual words. Itâs going nuts because it sees all these new 'words'
- We need as many volunteers as we can muster to edit as many files as possible and correct as many of these errors as possible.
- Anybody wanting to help will be transferred into the Task Force and allowed editing privileges. This is probably a two to four week assignment.
- We will be initially concerned with the Infirmary, Nutrition, Behavior and Housing, and other files in the Bunny Business areas like then Rabbitry and Rescue Me. We will also need Ins And Outs with Introductions, the Rainbow Bridge and Chat About The Forum.
- People can be assigned to search for certain key posters (PamNock, Buck Jones, Carolyn, AngieLuv, Naturestee, etc), and/or specific threads or topics, those most likely to be included in the Library.
- Only the linebreak spacing error creating words that run together should be corrected, and not any other typos or errors.
angieluv wrote:
All we need if for volunteers to put the space back between the words.
There are hundreds of thousands of them unfortunately, so we can't do them all, but we can try for as many as possible.
There will be some semblance of an organized effort, but really, if everybody just corrects what they see in the priority threads (RO, Infirmary, Nutrition, etc), as well as correcting their own Blogs, etc, it will really help!
- I will be activating the 'allow editing' permission feature for all VIPs and RO Friends so that they will be able to edit all threads. We trust you to help with a forum 'issue'.
- Because of line space error when the forum moved in the summer of 2007, most of the files prior to that time have a problem with words that run together. This happens roughly with the same frequency as line breaks, so every 10 or 15 words or so, two words will run together without a space. The search engine works by recognizing and indexing individual words. Itâs going nuts because it sees all these new 'words'
- We need as many volunteers as we can muster to edit as many files as possible and correct as many of these errors as possible.
- Anybody wanting to help will be transferred into the Task Force and allowed editing privileges. This is probably a two to four week assignment.
- We will be initially concerned with the Infirmary, Nutrition, Behavior and Housing, and other files in the Bunny Business areas like then Rabbitry and Rescue Me. We will also need Ins And Outs with Introductions, the Rainbow Bridge and Chat About The Forum.
- People can be assigned to search for certain key posters (PamNock, Buck Jones, Carolyn, AngieLuv, Naturestee, etc), and/or specific threads or topics, those most likely to be included in the Library.
- Only the linebreak spacing error creating words that run together should be corrected, and not any other typos or errors.
angieluv wrote:
I've marked all the run-together words in red. (If you use Firefox as a browser, it underlines them in red so they're easier to see).Hi...I'm the "rabbit lady" who volunteers withLissa in La Crosse. I'm glad that she showed everyone a couple of thedarling rabbits that we have at the humane society in La Crosse. Unfortunately, they almost never get adopted!. We are desperatelyasking everyone who has room for another rabbit to consider ourbunnies. The humane society is really strict so only really good petowners can adopt; all bunny lovers cansee two on petfinder and alsoposted by Lissa yesterday. We are getting a 5 month old Holland loptoday. I haven't seen him yet but he is from a breeder, supposedlygorgeous yet another throw-away bunny. Please help these helplesslittle guys Prince, Buck, Spunky and our new little bunnies.
All we need if for volunteers to put the space back between the words.
There are hundreds of thousands of them unfortunately, so we can't do them all, but we can try for as many as possible.
There will be some semblance of an organized effort, but really, if everybody just corrects what they see in the priority threads (RO, Infirmary, Nutrition, etc), as well as correcting their own Blogs, etc, it will really help!