At what age..

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
How old does a rabbit have to be before it canhave a litter? I'm just curious (and worried that one of my she-bunniesmay actually be a HE) They're living in the same hutch currently andare 12 weeks.
Uhoh. Mine are mini lops and lionheads. I'mgetting them sexed tommorow at the vet. I really hope they are bothfemale, I'm getting quite anxious.:?I really have no whereelse to put Mai tonight, but if the worst comes to worst tommorow, I'llhave to go out straight away and buy another hutch.
I have, and Mai seems a little different downthere to Milly (who is definetly female) but I really don't have a clueon how to determine sex, which is why I'm taking them to the vets (shedoes it free of charge) Mai is a little kicker, even when you tranceher, so it's pretty hard to take a look.
You're doing the right thing by taking them to the vet.

Even for experienced rabbit people, it's sometimes hard to know for sure (unless you see testicals, of course :)).

I read that you're taking them to the vet to getsexed...but I thought I'd lend a hand in identifying the differences ineach. My husband and I sexed Flower a couple weeks ago (Ithink it was that long ago), and with the sites we found, and the greatpictures they have, it was relatively easy to tell.

Here are the sites:

For a male...

For a female...

I actually think they should be added to the Rabbit 101, because they helped A LOT in our figuring it out. :)
I was almost nervous to click those links (soused to Mai being a 'girl' bunny, it'd be a shock to find out she was ahe) but I eventually did, and it seems she IS a she. I'm pretty sure itwas her vulva popping out, that got me worried it was actually a penis.Very good site though, thank you. I'll still take them to the vetstommorow, just in case. :D
Yeah, just to be sure..good idea. Itwas really obvious on Flower, but I'm thinking not every bunny is thatobvious because I've read so many people not being able totell. I don't know if we just got lucky on finding a greatsite, or what...but she definitely had a pyramid as opposed to atube!! Lol...

Let us know how it goes! :)

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