How old does a rabbit have to be before it canhave a litter? I'm just curious (and worried that one of my she-bunniesmay actually be a HE) They're living in the same hutch currently andare 12 weeks.
Uhoh. Mine are mini lops and lionheads. I'mgetting them sexed tommorow at the vet. I really hope they are bothfemale, I'm getting quite anxious.:?I really have no whereelse to put Mai tonight, but if the worst comes to worst tommorow, I'llhave to go out straight away and buy another hutch.
I have, and Mai seems a little different downthere to Milly (who is definetly female) but I really don't have a clueon how to determine sex, which is why I'm taking them to the vets (shedoes it free of charge) Mai is a little kicker, even when you tranceher, so it's pretty hard to take a look.
I read that you're taking them to the vet to getsexed...but I thought I'd lend a hand in identifying the differences ineach. My husband and I sexed Flower a couple weeks ago (Ithink it was that long ago), and with the sites we found, and the greatpictures they have, it was relatively easy to tell.
I was almost nervous to click those links (soused to Mai being a 'girl' bunny, it'd be a shock to find out she was ahe) but I eventually did, and it seems she IS a she. I'm pretty sure itwas her vulva popping out, that got me worried it was actually a penis.Very good site though, thank you. I'll still take them to the vetstommorow, just in case.
Yeah, just to be sure..good idea. Itwas really obvious on Flower, but I'm thinking not every bunny is thatobvious because I've read so many people not being able totell. I don't know if we just got lucky on finding a greatsite, or what...but she definitely had a pyramid as opposed to atube!! Lol...