At What Age to Reduce Pellets, Increase Veggies?

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if you are bothered by shavings being trackedthrough the house, as i was, try carefresh, more expensive but when youstep on it, doesn't hurt :).
Pipp wrote:
Therule of thumb is an eighth to a quarter cup of pellets twice a day foreach five pounds of body weight, but if she doesn'teatveggies,I'd think more pellets are necessary, and if Nickysaysa cup is fine, I believeher.;)

PS: We'd love to seemore pics!

i personally don't like my bunnies to be without food. all 3 of my bunsare neither fat or skinny, and get plenty of exercise. the cup of foodthey get, is eaten in their own time throughout the day/night, andrefilled when empty. sometimes the food lasts a little longer than aday, and if i notice them not eating much hay, i limit the pellets.

i pay very close attention to their habits, such as poo and pee,weight, alertness, food consumption, etc... Easy for me cause they havetheir own cages.

every bun is a little different, and you know your bunny best.

and i agree with Pip, more pics pleeeease.
As far as shavings are concerned,
I believe that cedar shavings are absolutely toxic and should beavoided. I have always used pine shavings, but that was in a traybeneath the wire bottom cage, so I never had tracking issues with it.

I use a mixture of soil/peat/compost for my rabbits litter now. He loves it.

Whenever changing a rabbits diet, no matter what you do, do itgradually and pay close attention to his body's reaction to the change.

You bunny is ADORABLE!!!!
JimD wrote:
As far as veggies are concerned....mine were all introducedat young ages to small quantities and then increased as they becameaccustomed. Never had any problems in this dept.


this is also what i did with peapoo....

i dont give peapoo alfalfa anymore because when i started giving it toher, the litterbox started smelling worse and worse until i stoppedfeeding it to her...