bunnybunbunb wrote:
ok this evening we brought the babies in, in their nest, and mum...my partner held her back end(as hes stronger to catch those legs)...i held her front and placed her overr the top of the babies and they immediately started sucking...this went on for about 10mins and then she got restless...some babies looked fullier than others but at least theyve had something from her...we are going to continue this again tomorrow evening until it seems shes doing this on her own accord...fingers crossed we r getting somewhere ray:WhatI did when I had to raise a litter I kept the babies in a small box just big enough for mom to fit in. 1-2 times a day i put mom in the box and held her where she could NOT move. You sometimes have to be firm and I have found they will drop their milk anyway. Hold the bum so she can not kick and keep your other hand over her face or stroke it. Treats may not work. I found after the first week of this the doe willingly sit in the box for treat without me touching her. I did this with two diffrent does and all went great. The babies will stop sucking when they are full or tired.
The whole lay on the side or flip on the back never worked for me. Also if you try and feed only one baby at a time it does not work great either.I find the babies need each other's wiggling to keep going.