Arent we cute !!!

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MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
alrite then, hre are more photos as simple as that.

"Hi mummy!"


"Im not digging/ruining the carpet"


"hey! where did it go?! " "why did you take the carpet away?"

"what?! me ruining it? i just told you i wasnt." "im giving you teh evil stare"

"yay the carpet is back!"

" i think i smell a raisin"

"let me look" "HEY WHO TURNED OF THE LIGHTS!!!"


"Can i have a raisin then?:


"well thank you, that was yummy"

that was all Lou, because... this is what toula was doing..


Hope you liked them!

Prisca :pinkbouce:
Yay more pictures! I love your two bun's there so cute and I love the cage, were'd you get the cubes from? I 've never seen them in stores and would kill for some (well not literally lol)
yay im glad you love my bunners

the cubes.. well they are actually NIC cubes a lot of members online have bnny condos like this ( most way better haha) and urm they are actually storage cube.

OMG hahaha i just realised you were form NZ too!! lol
I bought mine online :p trademe ofcourse and they are the only place i can fnid them... i can help u find them online if you want. im sure the ocmpany i bought it from still has stock.

anyhoo.. wanna go on chat now?
Im waiting :p

Prisca xx
Lol, I thought trademe too but I went online and I couldn't find any:(It's quite sad lol but i'm pretty sure it would cost me like $50 bucks shipping to get them down here aye. And sorry I didn't go online I think I musta exited outa it lol oops:)
Oh my gosh! Toula and Lou are adorable little lops!!

I can't tell them apart, but whoever it is that has those chocolate brown eyes :inlove:adorable! lol.

You need to get some new pictures up soon! :)
