Laura the Bunsnuggler
Cue bunny mummy paranoia! Here's yet another thread about my bunnies' thinness, but this time with pictures.
I can easily feel their ribs and the ridges of their spines, and I constantly worry they are undernourished. I feed them 1/2 a cup of Oxbow Young Rabbit each daily, in addition to 1/4 a cup of veggies (basil/cilantro/watercress) and unlimited hay. They are good hay and veggie eaters, but if I allow them unlimited pellets like the Oxbow package says to, they will totally ignore their hay. As they are prone to mushy poop if they don't get heaps of fibre daily, I'm iffy about increasing their pellet portions in case they decide their bellies are full and they don't want to eat hay.
During their last vet visit the vet said they were healthy. He didn't put too much store by their weight in regards to show standards, as my two boys are mixed breed lop of uncertain backyard breeder history. He just said they felt healthy. But I just can't shake the feeling that they are too thin and bony! I'm unusually thin and bony myself, but even my body doesn't feel quite so skeletal.
Here's a couple of pics where I try to show the width of their bodies through all that fur. What do you guys think? Don't laugh at my pink fuzzy bathrobe.
I can easily feel their ribs and the ridges of their spines, and I constantly worry they are undernourished. I feed them 1/2 a cup of Oxbow Young Rabbit each daily, in addition to 1/4 a cup of veggies (basil/cilantro/watercress) and unlimited hay. They are good hay and veggie eaters, but if I allow them unlimited pellets like the Oxbow package says to, they will totally ignore their hay. As they are prone to mushy poop if they don't get heaps of fibre daily, I'm iffy about increasing their pellet portions in case they decide their bellies are full and they don't want to eat hay.
During their last vet visit the vet said they were healthy. He didn't put too much store by their weight in regards to show standards, as my two boys are mixed breed lop of uncertain backyard breeder history. He just said they felt healthy. But I just can't shake the feeling that they are too thin and bony! I'm unusually thin and bony myself, but even my body doesn't feel quite so skeletal.
Here's a couple of pics where I try to show the width of their bodies through all that fur. What do you guys think? Don't laugh at my pink fuzzy bathrobe.