Apple (R.I.P)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Reaction score
Adelaide, South Oz
Hi all,
Apple lost the good fight yesterday, we are devastated, we had to put her down, she had a fluid build up in her lungs and was not getting better and had lost a lot of weight, I hope we made the right decision......damn I am going to miss her, the world just got a little less fluffy today
lots of love
Very sorry for your loss Anthony. You did the courageous thing. The selfish thing is to keep her alive and hurting for your own pleasure.

So sorry for your loss. It's not a decision anyone wants to make but it is necessary to do and you did right by her. There's gonna be a hole in your heart for a long time, but it does help to remember all the happy things and not dwell on the one piece of sadness. Rest in peace little girl and binky free.:bunnyangel:
Thank you everybody for the kind words,
today we brought Apple home, we put her ashes in a little ornamental box with her photo
she is her favourite place in the large potplant in the back of the garden, she loved it in there!
she is at rest
Sorry for you loss, binky free apple.
Can you tell me how did she get that? is it an illness or dysfunction or something she ate??
sorry to hear for your loss of your little one ... =/

may she binky away over the bunny rainbow
I am so sorry for your loss. :( It's so hard when they go. We lost our Boxer recently, to similar circumstances only she had lymphoma on top of the fluid in her lungs. Our Duchess passed away at home and if her final days are anything to judge by, you did the right thing - you ended the suffering and let her go peacefully, Apple was with the people she loved in her final moments and loved and cared for from beginning to end. So do not feel guilty, you did the right thing. ♥

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