well den i think its juz good little Apollo.Bitbit will nv stay still if i should put her in a stroller. Apollo'ssuch a good boy Not saying Bitbit's bad. juz hyperactive like me. 8)
Apollo is currently 12 lbs. and is only 6months old. He is going to be a big boy. I am really lucky, Apollo isso easy going and laid back. He has already let me try a shirt on himand he was fine with it. So my son is buying Apollo a new outfit forthe 4th of July celebration at our local park.
Here is a pic of my son holding Apollo
I'm not sure if a skunk would like it or not. The only thing you canis try. If they try to get out, they don't like it lol
Oh Lordy! I just looked at thepicture. He is one big bunny. And he's only6 months old? What is his breeding? The biggestrabbit I ever had was half French Lop and half California BrownNose. She tipped the scales at 15 pounds and was absolutelygorgeous. She was, unfortunately, the worst mother ever putupon the face of this earth. I see why you call him Apollo!!!
I want a big bunny like that! I'd say you'relucky to have such a well behaved boy considering his size, you couldhave have a lot more on your hands otherwise! He's got the size, butyou're lucky he isn't too big on the attitude most of the time.
Apollo is a Flemish Giant. Full grown heshould weigh 15 lbs. With Flemish, bigger is better as long you don'ttrade structure and balance for size. Thankfully Apollo has it all.
MyBunnyBoys, I couldn't agree more. If he had attitude he could kickmy butt lol. They call Flemish 'gentle giants'. After being a bunnyslave to Apollo and for too short a time Athena, I have to say it'strue. I can't wait til April when I meet my three new babies.
I can confidentally say that if Apollo had Mocha's attitude, you wouldbe in trouble! What Mocha lacks in size, he makes up in attitude! Iwant so many different kinds of rabbits! lol, harlequins, mini lops,holland lops, flemish giants... ya, I want them all!
Apollo weighs 12 & 1/2 pounds now. Heis only 6 months old. He still has about 8 months of growing to do. NowI am no light weight but when I try carrying him from the parking lotto the park, it takes awhile. People wanting to see him and pet him. Itis a 2 minute walk that usually takes 10-15 minutes. He gets heavy andhe gets heavier every day. There are two 20 lb. rabbits and countless19 lb. rabbits on his family tree. He is going to be a big boy. So astroller makes it easier for us to bring him every where we go.
Apollo loves it, he stretches out.He feels like the pampered baby he is lol.
hi (im new) this forum is so fun! i hope to hearmore great stories like this . How long did it take you to train urbun to like the harness?(cause my bun hates hers) And b4 when u told usabout how u kept apollo in the stroller, did u say that u tied theleash to the stroller or something? cause it was confusing, whatskeeping him from jumping out?
I am very lucky Apollo took to it from day one. My other bunn tookabout two weeks. Whenever I had her in it, if she didn't chew it shegot a treat(1/2 a dandelion leaf) and when she chewed I told her no.She learned pretty fast that leaving it alone was a good thing.
As to Apollo and his Stroller, I got the idea from Bunty, anothermember of this forum. She had posted a picture of her Flemish in astroller. I put Apollo's harness on him and attach the leash. I use aretractable leash only because I find it easier to use. Apollo'sstroller has one of those little canapoy tops. I put his leash on topof the canopy and close the canopy. The leash is pretty secure that wayplus it leaves both hands free.
To be honest I'm not sure what keeps him from jumping out but henever does. He loves it though. He either stretches out and takes a napor he sits there like a king surveying his kingdom lol.
When we get to the park, I stop, he jumps out and theplaying begins. When he's had enough he lets me know by jumping back inthe stroller. Then we do laps around the park, usually being followedby a large group of children all wanting to pet the big boy.
The thing I find amazing is he's never gone to the bathroom in it. Ithink it's great because it's less cleaning for me but I don'tunderstand it. I'm not complaining though lol.
Yes rabbits actually have harnesses andleashes. Sadly, many of us don't have somewhere safe to let our bunnsrun. By using a harness and a leash were are able to take our babiesoutside. They can run and play we don't have to worry about themrunning away or worse. Many of us enjoy taking our bunns outside. Hereis a oicture of Apollo in his harness.
Hi, Rezbeck. Certainly you'reat liberty not to purchase a leash and harness for your bun if that isyour desire. Others like to take their buns out for shortexcursions, and since for their own safety they can't be allowed to runfree, a leash and harness is a great option.
Many indoor buns look forward to the leash and harness as it'sa signal to them that they get to broaden their expanses that day andexplore the outside world a bit.
Tina has had great success with using the L&H withApollo as have others with their own buns. I'll be using onewith my Sherman this weekend when I take him to the park to celebratethe holiday.
I didn't realize you had posted new pictures of TheBeast!
The ones with your son make his size really stand out. Theothers, he looks like a normal little baby boy.Oh,Give him a Big Hug and Kiss for me! It must be like holdingaHuge Pillowof rabbit fur when you snuggle up tohim.