Well-Known Member
dajeti2 wrote:
Ohhh, does this sound FAMILIAR!!!!
Tina, I sympathize! Wanna come play with my big orange lover-boy?
At least 'Pollo's not a sprayer...is he???:shock:I got it in the FACE the other day!!!!:X:X:X
Lyndsy, Wollo is in a bit of a time out. He decided, quitesuddenly I might add, that he really reallyliked myright leg. Hehad an 'on again~off again' affair with it. Ipushed him off,he would jump back on, I pushed him off.
I finally put him to beddy bye. Thankfully he doesn'tfeel this lovey very often. That is a whole lot of bunny to keepprying off my leg. I got my work out for the day.
Ohhh, does this sound FAMILIAR!!!!
Tina, I sympathize! Wanna come play with my big orange lover-boy?
At least 'Pollo's not a sprayer...is he???:shock:I got it in the FACE the other day!!!!:X:X:X