Well-Known Member
See, my bun has gotten a habit of nipping andclawing at me whenever I reach into his cage for anything. He's fineonce I have him out or in my arms. I was reading some of the articleslisted on the bunnies 101 page, and it said you shouldn't just reach inthere and pick him up, you want his cage to be his safe haven, and Ifully agree. It also says you should open the cage door and let himcome out on his own. Well, bun's cage is a big 'ol cage, up on a stand.And at one point when we had his cage on the floor, it made him nervousbecause all the doggies were sniffing him through the bars. So, I needa lightweight ramp that Ican put up to his cage door so he'sable to go and come himself, without me yanking him out of there allthe time.
I'd build one, but I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, nor am I avery handy person with tools, Lol. So, I'd like to possibly buy alightweight ramp. Any suggestions?
I'd build one, but I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, nor am I avery handy person with tools, Lol. So, I'd like to possibly buy alightweight ramp. Any suggestions?