Anywhere to buy a bunny ramp?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
See, my bun has gotten a habit of nipping andclawing at me whenever I reach into his cage for anything. He's fineonce I have him out or in my arms. I was reading some of the articleslisted on the bunnies 101 page, and it said you shouldn't just reach inthere and pick him up, you want his cage to be his safe haven, and Ifully agree. It also says you should open the cage door and let himcome out on his own. Well, bun's cage is a big 'ol cage, up on a stand.And at one point when we had his cage on the floor, it made him nervousbecause all the doggies were sniffing him through the bars. So, I needa lightweight ramp that Ican put up to his cage door so he'sable to go and come himself, without me yanking him out of there allthe time.

I'd build one, but I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, nor am I avery handy person with tools, Lol. So, I'd like to possibly buy alightweight ramp. Any suggestions?
I've seen little stairs and ramps for smalldogs. You might want to look into that. They sell them at Petsmartandsome pet stores.
ok, don't think I am nutz but we have a cat tree( it is about 2-3ft tall with a flat shelf) it is just right to fitunder the cage door and then I have a cardboard box or you could use anic cube.. next to it so my rabbit steps out of the cage onto thecarpeted cat tree then she hops to the cardboard box and then to thefloor. The tree has a ball that hangs from it that Delilah plays withand the cardboard box .. well she loves to hide in it. This was supposeto be temporary but she loves it. I have heard people say not to useramps and rabbits don't climb steps, which I now know is false buteveryone is different. ... do whatever works.
Depending on how high off the ground your bun's cage is, I have a couple ideas.

You can build a ramp out of NIC panels and attach a straw mat with zipties on top (and reinforce it possibly with a dowel fastened below withzip ties if you use more than one panel).

Or you could also build enclosed stairs with NIC panels, and put small straw mats on each part your bun steps on.

Hopefully someone's reply will have just what you need. :)
Thanks! :)

We had considered building Flower the stairs I mentioned out of NICpanels when we were originally thinking of putting her cage on top ofMaisie's. Now that we've decided it would help with theireventual bonding for them to see and smell each other now, we didn'tneed the stairs.

In the Cage Picture thread, Elf Mommy had a picture of the stairs Imention that she built. Here's the link:

They do, however, have a ramp inside each of their cages made from anNIC panel leading to the first level to help in the jumping upidea. :)

Eve wrote:
That's a fantastic idea maherwoman!

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