anyone want some advice?

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fuzzbunn2 wrote:
I could use some advice! I know there is a certain type of litter that shouldn't be used, but I am not sure what it is. What is the best kind to use or is there a best kind? What about cage liners? Any ideas? Also I was curious about albino bunnies, I found one that I am considering possibly getting, but I don't know if they are more sensitive to light because of their eyes etc.? One of my friends said that albinos might be more prone to getting sick, but he was just guessing. I am not sure.


Hi Shelly, can you re-post this in the main Rabbits Only forum? This one is for stuff that doesn't have anything to do with rabbits!

And while I've got you here, can you post your 'looking for a rabbit' query in the Rescue Me forum just in case somebody's got the perfect bunny for you? That would be great!

fuzzbunn2you might want to start a new thread under the Rabbits Only heading. This is an off-topic thread. You will probably get more advice that way.

The best kind of litter is probably wood pellet litter (called Woody Pet, Equine Pine, Feline Pine etc).

Don't use clumping cat litter or wood shavings. Both are dangerous for bunnies. You can use Carefresh, but it is expensive.

I don't use cage liners. I use a cat litter box that I fill with litter and put in the cage. Here's a picture:


I don't think albinos are more prone to any illnesses. Albino rabbits have been bred for many years, but some of our rabbit experts might know better.

I do know that you can find a lot of sweet albino rabbits at shelters that need to be adopted. They get passed up for adoptions by alot of people. :sad: