Anyone wanna see my new girl?

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I've heard that the male/female combo is easierto bond, but I've also heard of same genders bonding well,too. So, I dunno...maybe ask them to put her with other bunsto see who SHE prefers to live with?

What I was told when I was considering getting Maisie a friend...takeher in and let her play with the other buns, and let her decide who shewants to live with and be friends with. Maybe the shelterwill do this for you. Call them and let them know you'reconsidering it, and let them know the idea. I'm sure theywould be willing, since they want her to come home to the happiest homeshe could possibly live in. :)
Narrowed it down to three. I have asked her to see who Tulla likes the best.


Lil'l Bit-Lionhead Mix

Patches-Lop/Rex Mix (ears stick out like airplane wings)
Yeah, I didn't see Patches either. :(

The other two are SO ADORABLE. When I originally looked atthe list, those are the two I looked at and thought "Aww!!!"Patches sounds so CUTE!

Give us a link if you find her...:)
Wow...I shouldn't look for too long...I alwaysstart getting the desire for another!! And you should've seenmy husband's reaction when I found Flower! LOL!! Ican't imagine if I informed him I was thinking of adding a fifth animalto the household!! LOL!!
Sorry guys, Patches isnt listed yet. Just likeTulla wasnt. I will ask her for pictures and post tonight if I get any.I am off to work now.
the rabbit that i really like is Speckles. he isso cute and also is already nuetered. he sounds like he would be verygood with your rabbit.

i wish i could take one of those bunnies they are all so cute. let use know who you choose.

Ok, as promised.......



it is sooooo hard to pick
Almost the same colour as my Peanut! Cept he's a Holland Lop hehe.
Tomorrow is the day. Oh man oh man oh man! Ithink I have asked that poor lady every question known to man aboutthem She will be happy to get rid of me.
YAY!! How wonderful...are they home yet? Are they home yet?? :colors:

Here are Maisie and Flower, all excited for your new babies...:bunnydance::bunnydance: