Anyone have diabetes 2 and manage it with diet & exercise

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
As some of you may know - over the last few weeks some things in my life have been changing (for the better). Art & I have decided to renew our vows at a RenFestival in 2009......I've started doing a "makeover" of my wardrobe and hair and makeup and stuff.

Over the last month or so - I've started to see some changes (not good) in my body. I've also been getting letters from the local hospital (Art is retired military and we use the clinic on the base) telling me that I need to get new bloodwork done and my next exam, etc. etc. etc. The order for the bloodwork is already in the system...all I have to do is go in and get it done.

Anyway - because I know I'm overweight and my BMI (body mass index) is very very high - I went online and started reading about Diabetes 2. The symptoms that have started in the last month - are all consistent with this. In fact, I have all but 2 of the symptoms listed on the various sites I checked out.

I do plan to go to the doctor - in May - when I get home from my mom's. There are several reasons for this....

  • it can take time to get an appointment w/ the military hospital system
  • I have to fast from midnight on before I go in for the bloodwork and Art & I share one car and he works till shortly after 2 pm...and I don't want to fast that long (and I don't want to drive after fasting 'cause I've been getting woozy if my blood sugar drops)
  • I want to monitor my blood pressure for a couple of weeks first.
Anyway - my current goal/plan is to have the bloodwork done and then if I am diabetic (which I strongly suspect) and if my anemia is back (which I also strongly suspect) - I'm going to ask the doctor if I can try to control it first with exercise and diet since I was planning on trying to lose about 80 pounds between now and November of 2009.

I am somewhat familiar with the "exchange system" of dieting where you eat X portions from the various food groups ....kind of like what Weight Watchers was years and years ago (not sure if it is still that way now).

But I just thought I'd ask if anyone has any websites to share that I can be reading....or any tips you've learned if you control diabetes w/ diet and exercise.

And once again - I'm not saying for sure I have it - just that I suspect it (doctors have warned me about it for years).

But I will be getting bloodwork done and seeing a doctor (I almost said seeing a vet..) month.

Peg, I'm guessing you are pre-metabolic if the symptoms have only just started.

That's what I am and have been for over a year..... it's like borderline diabetic.

My father is diabetic and my sister is insulin resistant but insulin dependant.

If you want to tell me more about your symptoms I can give you a clue.

My doc put me on advandamet because it actually is supposed to help you lose weight. HAHAHAHA! right..... that's that problem - when you are diabetic, it's like ok fine...... but then take away the sugar in some way and you crave it.

Some of the best things I can suggest and I am doing currently to try to lose:

1. cut out starches

2. Excercise - even a walk down the drive a couple of times or parking way out in the lots at stores......

3. cut out the soda. OMG I have gone almost off my diet coke but of course I'm drinking my sweet tea now LOL!

4. Broccolli.. asparagus.... you pee like the dickens... and when you lose that water it actually helps your getting rid of calories and such.

5. Water, water, water....... drink water all that you can (I drink tea and it's pretty close from what I understand but I do drink some water also)

6. If you don't have it in the house - you won't eat it! Buy healthy!

With those things - you will most likely get the sugars down... how long ago was your last bloodwork?
Oops I should say that I did the weight watchers thing also years ago and it works GREAT!

Get rid of processed foods!


when my blood sugar drops, I get shakey.

after I eat - I fall asleep.
I'm not diabetic... yet. I'm only 27 but I look exactly like my mother who does have Type 2 and it runs strongly on her side of the family. She went in for testing after her dad was diagnosed with it- after he was already getting strokes from it. Darn stubborn farm men. She hadn't noticed any real changes but she was found to be diabetic. She managed it for about 10 years with only diet and exercise, now she's on some medication too.

Best thing my mother has found? High fiber/whole grains. Her docter recommended that, and it seriously helps. Two reasons: They make you feel more full, which helps for any diet. Also, fiber slows down the rate at which sugars are absorbed, so instead of getting a huge spike of blood sugar after a meal it's released more slowly and is easier for the body to deal with. Scientifically proven.:)

Also, she got a treadmill and put a TV in front of it. She tries to be walking on it while watching one of her favorite shows every day. Also, she and my dad have always been big into hiking and camping, so they try to go somewhere nice to hike every weekend or so. It gives them something to do that they enjoy and it's really good for them.
Oh, and I don't think I'm diabetic yet but I am sensitive to blood sugar because of my fibromyalgia. I also get shaky and feel weak when my blood sugar is low. I keep a bag of trail mix at work for problems like that. Dried fruit for fast sugar (fruit sugars are easily processed by the body) and protein and healthier fats from the nuts to provide slower energy release.
I didn't know about the fiber but I had started that since someone told me to - it was good for me LOL!

I did know about the snacks.... I keep almonds, cashews, fruits and veggies at home..... I try to take something with me if I am planning to go for a long activity where I might get low.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
If you want to tell me more about your symptoms I can give you a clue.

With those things - you will most likely get the sugars down... how long ago was your last bloodwork?
According to webmd, the symptoms are (I've boldfaced the ones I have)

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes due to high blood sugar may include:
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger (especially after eating)
  • Dry mouth
  • Frequent urination
  • Unexplained weight loss (even though you are eating and feel hungry)
  • Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Loss of consciousness (rare)
It has been probably 2 or 3 years since I've had bloodwork done and gone in to see the doctor. I'm petrified of doctors and dentists and not known for having exams as often as I should.

Over the last month - I've started peeing sometimes 2 times an hour (ok - I do drink at least 64 ounces of water per day or more - frequently much more than that).

I don't drink sodas anymore on a regular basis....although I do love Sprite if we go out.

I've been having the blurred vision since the last couple of days of the ZooToo contest.....I thought at first it was because I was sitting at the computer for hours giving helpfulness points....but when it didn't go away (even after a break from the computer) - I started realizing it might be something else. I had been having headaches since shortly before then.

As I said - I am going to go in and do the bloodwork, etc. in May (which isn't far off). But I leave for my mom's in less than 2 weeks and it will be very hard to get in before then....

Art used to work in the kitchen and dietary counseling department of Air Force hospitals and at one of them he would often give the classes on the exchange diet system and how much food is in a serving, etc. He was not a dietician - but they did not have one at that hospital - so he (and the other person who worked in his spot) would use the booklets to explain how to eat, etc. So I'm somewhat familiar with the system and have been reading up on how to use it with diabetes 2 (like putting some of your exchanges into snacks and how often to have snacks, etc).

And of course I may not have it...but it seems strange that several symptoms have started in the last month or so and others have been sort of there for a little bit but I hadn't really been thinking about them.
