I spent most of today sleeping, we got home around 9 last night. It was crazy, I hardly had anytime to look around and socialize, I was so busy keeping track of my son's classes, and still missed BEW MR. We did better with the MR than I thought we would, our broken otter sr doe was 8 out of 23, and our otter sr doe was first out of 6, so we'll get a leg on her. I was really pleased with the placing of the broken otter, broken is a tough class. Our Sr FG buck was best light gray I think, and of course we had the only pair of Cremes and Silvers there showing in Youth. Judge had some really nice things to say about our FW jr buck, said he's going to be very nice when he matures, but wasn't going to to beat the sr buck this time. All the rabbits we showed but 2 are bred bys, so on the whole it was really great, Boy had fun, was occasionally bored but was pretty good. My feet still hurt, I never got the time to look at any of the raffles and buy tickets, or really look at any of the merchants. I know I didn't get to talk to everyone I wanted to, and I regret not buying the brown Silver buck I saw for sale. Next year we show less rabbits, convention is so overwhelming, and loud!!! I couldn't believe how well my son did, he's sound sensitive and overstims in crowds, but he was great!!!