Anyone else dream about their rabbits?

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I have paranoid dreams that I keep forgetting to feed them and when I go back - well, no details! The other night it was cold out (wind chill -9 degrees) and I had a dream that they froze to death. Nice, huh? Oh what I would give for some pleasant dreams like yours Peg!
ALL THE TIME! EVERY NIGHT! But it's usually scary things about my're outside and they're running away...or they both got out of their cages and they're gonna fight with eachother...or the dog gets into my room and is about to attack the buns...just really crazy and vivid dreams involving my rabbits being somewhere they're not supposed to be. Then I'll shoot up in bed and look at their cages and they just stare at me like, "what's your problem?"

The week before I adopted Willow, I would dream about getting her every night. And usually she would have already been adopted, or I would get there and some other person would be adopting I would fight them for her..hahaha

...I have the craziest dreams...they're almost like living another life....


Linz_1987 wrote:
<br> <br> To dream about a pet: <br> <br> A pet appearing in a dream means we are linking in with our natrual desire to give and receive love. We may need to 'look after' someone (or something), possibly more vulnerable than us. Pets represent unconditional love, affection and mutual appreciation. .<br> <br> If you believe in these things that is....<br>

I'm glad I found this thread when I did a search on dreams. I was afraid to start my own topic, because I didn't want to sound too wacko, LOL. :p

I had a dream last night, that one of my rabbits hopped up on my bed and kissed me on my cheek. My two mini-rex rabbits do not do that sort of thing, so it was very odd. I've always felt that my rabbits are just as much guardians of me, as I am of them, so my dream makes sense.

I enjoyed reading all these posts.
Sometimes I tend to sleep too much and if I take a nap during the day, I have the strangest dreams.

Usually the dreams about Bayou involve him running out my front door, never to be seen again. :cry2
mardigraskisses wrote:
Usually the dreams about Bayou involve him running out my front door, never to be seen again. :cry2

I could leave both doors of my house wide open and my two rabbits would ignore it. But I understand your anxiety!
Before getting Nick and Amelia, it had been many many years since I had a pet that required daily care and interaction. (My tortoise only eats a couple times a week, and she's happiest when I'm not messing with her, so she's very low maintence.) Going into rabbits, I hada LOT of anxiety about not being able to take care of them, and finding time in my life in them, etc.

For the first year, I had a lot of dreams about my babies, most of them bad. There was a dream where a stranger was trying to get to Amelia, and Nick tried to protect her but was kicked by the stranger. More than one where Nick was bitten and/or eaten by a snake. Many more, and they generally had bad endings for Nick, especially.

I believe these were related to the anxieties I had. I am now much more comfortable with my abilities to at the very least keep them fed and watered and supplied with toys, and I haven't dreamt of them in a long time. I would be happy to have good dreams about them, but at least I don't have the bad dreams anymore.
Wow. I'm lucky I've never had bad dreams about my rabbits. The dream I had about Peter kissing me was really an anomaly. I don't have dreams about my guys in general.

I took the dream I had as a sign that my rabbits really do love me.
That's so weird I came upon this thread... last night (after having a stressful & upsetting evening and barely getting any sleep) I dreamt that Diggs somehow got on top of his NIC cage and was trying to walk around and his little legs kept sliding through and I couldn't help him, of course because it was a bad dream, and I was so scared he would hurt himself or get stuck!
I think it has something to do with this(in my case):

Linz_1987 wrote:

To dream about a pet:

A pet appearing in a dream means we are linking in with our natrual desire to give and receive love. We may need to 'look after' someone (or something), possibly more vulnerable than us. Pets represent unconditional love, affection and mutual appreciation. .

If you believe in these things that is....
i dont wantt o remember... its a nightmare
a couple of months ago my two rabbits breed not planned. tehy were both separated away.
in my dream, the female was at the top and the male at the bottom of the huctch. (like real life#
i looked at the bottom... and a hole in the wire and teh male was gone... then i saw a white rabbit in the coner...
pure white it was blinding... and it was crying.. it said "every thing will be ok.. evry thing will be not ok every thing will be ok,... etc"
it freeked me out... i looked the female. she was fine.. but no eyes.:scared: just black sockets... like acid had been pouredd on them....
so i woke up.. and the rabbit was dead on my bed...
then i woke up for real..
(bit of my past,
a male rabbit. the same litter as my 2 rabbits now, i had.. it took ill and i was not alowd to take it to the vets. it died.... )maybe it was tehre as a "nothing happend. im still here. i own the kits she is going to have..."
but i then tought it was an omen... a bad one.. like he came to take caramel and the kist away to heaven...
aand yes... the kits died.. and though eyes... caramel the mother... she gave a look when i saw the kits were dead that morning.. i was like looking into bottomless pits.. burnt with acid..pain, remorse, suffering, postnatal depression
and the male was quieter than normal to this day...
i never want to think of that again:cry2
i had a dream right after Sooty was put to sleep, well i should say he came to me in a dream. The dream was no way rabbit related,lol, i was running from zombies or something and i remember running and looking over and seeing him just sitting over to the side, and then i kept running. I told him to come to me that night to let me know he made it alright,lol like he was going to get lost or something,lol. In a strange way it was comforting.

I dont know how much you all believe in meditation and spirit animals and such , but i was doind a meditation one night to meet my spirit guides and through the meditation they have you go on a path and meet up with an animal to guide you to the house where you will meet your spirit guides and the one time it did it it was Sooty!!!!! he came over to me and was hopping all around and i picked him up and kissed him, with that i came out of the meditation state and was crying.
I have mostly had dreams about my bunnies dying. Or there being a fire on the rabbitry!
So scary!
I have had the fire dream twice where its like at the back of the rabbity, (our rabbitry is differnt in my dream) and then I have had a couple about the bunnies dying.
They seem so real sometimes!
I had a dream a couple nights ago that Sippi broke his leg and we had to put him to sleep. It was really quite strange.

Ooh, I've had dreams about the rabbitry on fire, too.

I've had other weird ones, also. And when we're expecting litters, I usually have dreams about the babies getting here, and how many there are. lol.

I often dream about my bunnies. Unfortunately, they are usually about them being sick or me forgetting to feed them for a week or something disturbing like that! Sometimes, though, I dream that all the bunnies I've ever owned are somehow alive again and living in a happy, snuggly, bonded bunny family.

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