Any Lost fans, here?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Any Losties here?

They go so long in between seasons, it's hard to remember all the details. It's a confusing show, but I like it.

Desmond and Penny are my two favorite characters.

If you follow the series, what are some of your questions/theories about it all?
I watch Lost and it is confusing I think that's what keeps my attention trying to figure things out. Some of my friends gave up on the show they just don't have the patience, so I didn't have anyone to talk to about it.

I heard Desmond is off the show he fought with another cast member and he wanted more money.
I love Lost, but when we switched practice to Weds night, I couldn't keep up with it.. even on TiVo

For the longest time, I thought they were all dead.. and they we're all in their own personal version of purgatory..
I love Lost, and I am skeptical about whether there'll be a way for the show to bring a close to the series in a manner acceptable by it's fans . Might be like the Matrix - everyone was mixed and somewhat disappointed

Charles Whitmore is key o the big picture. I suppose they really need him and Penny but what's Penny without Desmond, brother?

Fave char = Sun
Fave scene is after she comes back from the island and gives Charles Whitmore a piece of her mind. She is a very subtle yet complicated and strong character.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
For the longest time, I thought they were all dead.. and they we're all in their own personal version of purgatory..

That has always been my take on it too, but the producers insist it's not that.

I'm looking forward to January, when things start up again.
kirbyultra wrote:
Fave char = Sun
Fave scene is after she comes back from the island and gives Charles Whitmore a piece of her mind. She is a very subtle yet complicated and strong character.

I liked that scene, too. :)

Least favorite character of mine was Shannon. I just never liked her. :p

Never really cared for Kate, either.
Catch me up, has anybody died?

Last I saw.. Sun had a gun, and was on her way to meet Penny's dad..and Ben had Locke's body. and everybody had met up and was going to the island..
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Catch me up, has anybody died?

Last I saw.. Sun had a gun, and was on her way to meet Penny's dad..and Ben had Locke's body. and everybody had met up and was going to the island..

None of those people are "dead", or were killed in that episode.

I really like the show. I've watch only a few episodes but I'm totally LOST on how they got to the island. The show confuses me. I wish I could watch from the beginning.

Any way to do that? LOl. :)

i have watched it fromt he begining and i swear the more i watch it the more Lost i get,lol. It is very confusing, with way too many hidden meanings for most normal people to get it. There is a talk show on in the morning and the day after lost is on they go on and tell you all the hidden messages and signs and symbols and such, ugh it can be really confusing. I really hope it doesnt end stupidly. I have to say the first couple seasons it was very slow going, the episode took forever to do anything, i find that last season it has picked up a lil better so we shall see what this season brings. It was so slow going that i swore after the second season that i wasnt going to watch it and then i kept watching it just to see how it is going to
I took the most expensive netflix package available to power through seasons 1-3 in a matter of a month. I do not recommend doing it if you are prone to nightmares. I started to have crazy dreams after a week! But it's such a good show and I just HAD to watch them all one after another. Yeah I had no life for a month, then cancelled netflix and set up my dvr. :)
Me, my Dad and brother watch it but I can't remember what the last episode of the season was about, it's confusing lol!

My favourite characters are probably Swyer and Jack, but that's just because they are hot!
For anyone who has never watched it, there is no point in trying to catch up at this point, unless you have many hours of free time. I really like the show, and feel relatively knowledgeable about it, but if I visit a fansite, like Lostpedia, I feel completely left out.

Penny is really the only hottie for me. :) I love her character and her relationship with Desmond. She resonates in a real way with me.
In many ways, Penny is the only real person in this whole thing. She seems... uncontaminated by the whole phenomenon. She is along for the ride because she loves Des. I like her a lot. It is unfortunate she ends up crying in so many of her scenes.
kirbyultra wrote:
It is unfortunate she ends up crying in so many of her scenes.

I hadn't thought of that, but one of my favorite scenes is when Desmond calls her from the freighter, when he needs to establish a connection with his "constant". Penny is standing there in the living room, with the Christmas tree in the background... the colored lights from the tree look as if they would, if you were crying, and of course Penny is too, but it's tears of happiness, hearing from Desmond. It's a beautiful, surreal scene. I identify with those two characters on a lot of levels.
It's funny how everyone has a different interpretation of what's going on and that what makes it so special no ones what the heck is going on.
I both eagerly await, and dread this last season. There's just no way I'm going to be happy with the ending. No way. There's way too much that they promised to explain, and too little time to do it all now. It'll be like Battlestar Galatica all over again (don't get me started, I HATED the ending).

Spoilers for those who haven't been keeping up:

The season finale (which I had to look up again, because I forgot most of it) left me with a feeling of... I'm not sure, disappointment maybe? I didn't like the idea of changing the past so that basically the entire show 'never happened'. Obviously I have to see what happens with the whole bomb going off, but the idea just never sat right with me. Then there was the whole John Locke ordeal. I hate when they end on cliffhangers, especially that show, since it takes so long for it to start up again and the season is so short.

I just know that they're not going to explain everything I want to know about, and the subtle little bits and pieces that were everywhere in the first two seasons probably won't pop up again. Like the sharks? The polar bears haven't really been talked about all that much either. Not to mention the monster, with it's fifty million little hints and clues lying around.

I am interested to see what happens with them changing the past, I wonder if some of the old characters will reappear now? Like Charlie, that couple that was buried alive, etc. and what it will mean for the characters that had built relationships with them.

I'm also interested to see what they do with Richard and the 'imposter' Locke.

So much to look forward to! But I really need to stop getting my hopes up.

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