I both eagerly await, and dread this last season. There's just no way I'm going to be happy with the ending. No way. There's way too much that they promised to explain, and too little time to do it all now. It'll be like Battlestar Galatica all over again (don't get me started, I HATED the ending).
Spoilers for those who haven't been keeping up:
The season finale (which I had to look up again, because I forgot most of it) left me with a feeling of... I'm not sure, disappointment maybe? I didn't like the idea of changing the past so that basically the entire show 'never happened'. Obviously I have to see what happens with the whole bomb going off, but the idea just never sat right with me. Then there was the whole John Locke ordeal. I hate when they end on cliffhangers, especially that show, since it takes so long for it to start up again and the season is so short.
I just know that they're not going to explain everything I want to know about, and the subtle little bits and pieces that were everywhere in the first two seasons probably won't pop up again. Like the sharks? The polar bears haven't really been talked about all that much either. Not to mention the monster, with it's fifty million little hints and clues lying around.
I am interested to see what happens with them changing the past, I wonder if some of the old characters will reappear now? Like Charlie, that couple that was buried alive, etc. and what it will mean for the characters that had built relationships with them.
I'm also interested to see what they do with Richard and the 'imposter' Locke.
So much to look forward to! But I really need to stop getting my hopes up.